New chapters everyday for your mind, your heart and most of all, your soul!!
Saunter by the busy, flowing brook which gurgles like an infant, basking in the late afternoon sun. Feel the cold caress of green grasses, gently thawing under bare feet; t...
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
– William Shakespeare
The world is a big stage and we all are playing our short roles here. More often than not, we’ve come across this adage in our life. Now, let us ponder over this statement and analyze it. For this, we need to go into our own mind palaces (Yes, just like our Sherlock).
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Create your own world. Now, ask a few questions to that world. Is money absolutely necessary for living a life? Are people really interested in you or do they just fill their daily cup of gossip and pastime with your news? Is war necessary? Do we need to really think about automatic cars and flying shuttles, when we are facing adverse climatic changes that
threaten the survival of not only human but every species on Earth? Aren’t we craving adulation? Shouldn’t the good old habits, values and virtues be of immense importance? Is marriage a meaningful bond or just the union
of two families over an exaggerated ceremony (for mostly unwelcome guests)? Who deserves a better life – the smart and poor (or) the dull and rich? Does the answer seem justified with the present day society? Does real friendship truly exist or is everyone just an acquaintance in one form or other? Do people fall in love the classical way or do they seek companions
to evade the grasp-hold of loneliness?
Now, does your answers make you feel at ease? Can every question asked here be faced head-on?
We, a social species concentrating on things that do not necessarily be a part of our daily life. We are living to please others. Some group live without even realizing there are others in the world. These two extremities of social conduct bring about constant need for drama into our lives.
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When turning our focus into the people around us, we are yet again faced with the fact that scares the bejesus out of us. Almost everyone around you lies.
Truth, however painful or disgusting is the ultimatum to any issue. Lies to cover up will never give permanent solution (at least for people with an alive conscience). When a friend of yours tells something about another
friend, if you go and talk to someone by changing the statement even slightly, can be called a lie, because, that is not what the friend actually intended to say. Honesty is hence called the richest of all virtues between humans. Do you have any idea, how your words, how you say those words, how you use your body language, creates an impact on those who listen? Tremendous.
And that is why gossip is so viral in nature.
There’s also a fault with human nature (among many others), “We judge before we think; we react before we analyze; we lose before we fight!”
Humans have a silent, desperate need inside them, which wants them to be a giver of some sort of information to the group of people around. It is because of this burning desire, that we tend to incline and give out information about something we heard or read in an exaggerated manner.
The plain truth may not be so much interesting, and you resort to use your voice modulation, expressions to win over them. The odd thing is that good things about a person never gets carried like this. It takes huge effort and lots of time for the world to acknowledge a good person (in many cases,
he/she must be backed up by a successful inspirational story too).
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Why is it so important to discuss these issues? Because, utmost ingredients in any form of relationship get ruined because of these
twisted lies i.e. trust. Love can never win if trust deserts the hearts. This is a universal fact and no one can dare deny it.
When lies are exposed, doubt settles in like a parasite alongside love.
Even when the person wholeheartedly says a good thing, it becomes nearly impossible to believe his/her words. Loyalty reduces unwanted drama and is the best thing to hold hearts together.