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"Fucking dipshit-" Beomgyu cusses as he smacks the back of Sungchan's head, looking to both sides of the hallway to find weird stares from the other students.

"You be laughing your ass off when I didn't sleep a wink thinking about it??" He whispers shout, signalling his best friend to quiet down.

"Doesn't that mean you're whipped?" Sungchan teases him back.
Beomgyu clicks his tongue. "You're the worst. Should've told Jeongin first."
"Well I'm sorry I find it aMuSiNG-" Sungchan apologizes sarcastically. "Not my fault I find it funny how you're straight but your soulmate's a boy-"

"Gosh, and I really hoped to get a pretty girl..."
"What's wrong with Taehyun's face? He's as pretty as a girl too."
"And I thought you were straight too?"

"There's nothing wrong with complimenting a guy pretty. Beside, it's a fact. Tell any girl and they'll surrender to Taehyun."
"Sungchan!! Beomgyu!!"

The two boys turn to look at the three girls; Winter, Minju and Somi, their classmates approaching them with all smiles.
Sungchan leans close to whisper in Beomgyu's ear. "Okay, maybe not all girls."
Beomgyu snickers. "I'm still burying the thought away."

There was no way he could accept Taehyun's his soulmate.
Just then he feels his arm linked with Winter's as the other two girls surround them both.

"Beomgyu, didn't you tell us you needed help with your art projects??" Winter peers up.
Sungchan shoots Beomgyu a confused look. "Really? And you didn't invite me to hang out with these beauties?"

"Really?-" Beomgyu pauses his words. "I don't remember saying that though. But for now I won't be needing help." He smiles, swooning the girls.

Beomgyu gently pushes his way out from the cage of girls, throwing his bag over his shoulder as Sungchan follows him from behind.

"Maybe one day, you could be my muses." Beomgyu winks before walking away.
"See you all tomorrow ladies~" Sungchan blows a flying kiss before throwing an arm over Beomgyu's shoulder.

"You're such a flirt." Beomgyu remarks as the two walk down the hallway.
"And you're not?"

Beomgyu shrugs his friend's remark. True. He should've told himself the same thing but Beomgyu's different. He might come off as flirty sometimes but he always brushes the girls off afterwards.

He might be straight but he isn't one to lead someone on. If anything, falling in love would be the last thing on his bucket list.
But that's different for Sungchan.

"Beomgyu!! Sungchan!!" I.N calls from afar as he joins the two by slipping in the middle, his height standing out between the three.
"What were you guys talking about?" I.N asks.

"How Sungchan was flirting with the trio back there."
"Where's the lie? Sungchan biggest flirt in school." I.N rolls his eyes.
"Well your boyfriend was the previous biggest flirt." Sungchan snaps back.

"Well too bad, Hyunjin turned out to be gay and guess who snatched him first?" I.N sticks out his tongue in a playful manner.
Beomgyu scoffs. "I remember it going wild on twitter, girls were crying their foundation off."

"Enough talk about mine. Should we go to the diner? I'm in need of smoothies." I.N cuts in.
"Sorry guys, got errands to do." Beomgyu says.

"You mean, visiting your soulmate at the pet shelter?" Sungchan teasingly asks.
"SOULMATE??!!" I.N exclaims.
"Goddamn your big mouth Sungchan!!"

"We're dealing this in the group chat later. Now go!! Your soulmate is more important than your existence." I.N says while pushing Beomgyu away.

"eXcUSE mE????" Beomgyu says in an offended tone, then shrugging it off.
He bids a farewell to his two friends before parting ways.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now