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"We'll see you guys there!!" Yeonjun exclaims while waving as they; Yeonjun, Soobin and Kai make their way onto the docks of the ferry.

"We'll see you in the evening!!" Beomgyu shouts back.

Beomgyu and Taehyun wave back before Beomgyu pulls on the handle and pushes Taehyun who's on a wheelchair towards the opposite direction to head back to the exit.

"Are the tickets with you?" Beomgyu asks while looking down at the boy in the wheelchair.
Taehyun holds up the two tickets in his hands while waving it in front of Beomgyu's face with a smile.
"Here~ so, are we going there now?" Taehyun asks and Beomgyu nods.

Beomgyu calls for a cab and when the car slows down near the sidewalk, Beomgyu opens the door to the passenger seat and helps Taehyun up the wheelchair.

Taehyun slips into the passenger's seat first before Beomgyu who folds the wheelchair first and then going inside to sit beside him.

After a good half an hour, they reached Namsan Tower and Beomgyu pays for the cab before helping Taehyun out from the cab and onto his wheelchair again. Nowadays, Taehyun has to depend more on the wheelchair since doctor; his dad advised him to not walk too much or long distances.

So the cane isn't that effective.

"Wahh~" Taehyun exclaims while taking the churos that they ordered near the snack bar.

Beomgyu smiles as he admires the younger's cuteness and how his cheeks puff out when he takes a bite of the churos. He's always so smiley when he's somewhere he wants to be, and that's why no matter where Taehyun wants to go, whether it's some place boring, Beomgyu doesn't mind as long as he gets to see Taehyun's smile.

"You really wanted to come here?" Beomgyu asks sweetly and Taehyun nods excitingly.
"Hyung, let's put on some padlocks!!" Taehyun says.

Beomgyu sighs but still proceeds to push Taehyun towards the outside where the padlocks are. But before that, they both went to purchase two padlocks and two markers. Taehyun decided to buy the red padlock in the shape of a heart while Beomgyu the yellow padlock in the shape of a star.

"I think it's a must for every Korea citizen to come here and put a lock." Taehyun says the moment they reached outside.
Beomgyu admires the thousands or probably more padlocks hooked and locked on the railings. Each padlock had writings, whether in Korean, English or any other language. Some had pictures and some were locked together.

Beomgyu crouches beside the wheelchair to write on his padlock while Taehyun secretively writes his on his lap, making sure he covers it from Beomgyu's sight.

The brunette glances at the younger and snickers at how focused Taehyun was. He then closes the cap of the marker, followed by Taehyun who immediately hides the padlock away.
"What did you write there?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun shakes his head.
"It's a secret~" Taehyun says playfully, earning a raised eyebrow from Beomgyu.

"Haa?? Then? Are we going to lock our seperately??" Beomgyu asks.
"Let's lock it together but don't look at each other's. When we're done, look away immediately!! Okay?"

Beomgyu pushes Taehyun's wheelchair near one corner of the railings and they each held out their padlocks to attach them together, covering each other's padlocks from one another.
Beomgyu sighs.

"You really don't want me to see what you wrote huh?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun shakes his head playfully again.
"Then where's the fun of it- YAHH NO PEEKING!!" Taehyun exclaims while shoving Beomgyu away when he tries to look.
"Gosh... whatever you say, sunshine. So are you done??" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun nods.

"Now don't look, okayy?? C'mon let's go." Taehyun says.
Beomgyu nods and stands up to pull Taehyun's wheelchair back. The two boys then leave the site.
"C'mon, we have an our left to fetch our bags and catch the ferry." Beomgyu says.

"Can we stop by for ice cream?? It's kinda hot here." Taehyun says while adjusting his collar.
"Or I can just strip you off-"
"Get your horny ass away from me!!" Taehyun whispers shout, smacking Beomgyu's naughty hands that are playing by his collar.

Beomgyu chuckles and plants a kiss on Taehyun's head, earning a flustered and frantic look from the younger.
"Hyung!! What if there are people from school??" Taehyun panics.
"Then let them be. Who dares stop me from pampering my boyfriend~"

Beomgyu leans down to pamper kisses on Taehyun's forehead, then down his nose, cheeks and jaw before Taehyun whines and giggles at the ticklish feel, red hue gushing up his cheeks.

"If this is your attempt to let me tell you what I wrote on my padlock, then it's not working." Taehyun says and Beomgyu pouts.

"Or maybe it's my attempt to get you under me-"
"You're sleeping on the couch."

"Nooooo~ well, it was worth the try." Beomgyu chortles, shrugging his shoulders before pushing the wheelchair to head back with the younger.

Taehyun's padlock:

Taehyun's padlock:

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