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You know the old adage that always tells you, you'll get shivers on your first day of work? Well, no shit, because they're darn true.

Beomgyu's been playing with his fingers in the car with his dad on their way to the hospital. He can't help feel anxious even though he's worked part time at the nursery before.

Maybe it's just a natural reaction and honestly, it irritates Beomgyu that he can't rid it off.
"Does Taehyun know you're his soulmate?" Beomgyu's dad asks.

Beomgyu turns to look at his dad who's eyes are focus on the road ahead. He still hasn't told his parents yet; how Taehyun's his boyfriend. But as advised by Soobin, he doesn't tell them yet. Even if he wants to, he trusts Soobin's instincts although he has no fucking idea what's up.

"He does." Beomgyu replies.
"But, you're not a couple, right? I can't have you being his boyfriend."

Beomgyu can't help but furrow his eyebrows and glare at his dad. Now he wonders if this was the reason why Soobin asked him not to tell.
"Is something wrong if we are?" Beomgyu asks.

"I can't risk you being in love with someone who's sick. You'll only suffer along with them-"
"That's kind of cruel to say about the boy you saw growing up and his father being your best friend." Beomgyu snaps.
"I didn't mean it that way, son. Y'know I'm only looking out for you."

Beomgyu sighs. He bites his bottom lip to resist himself from snapping back at his dad. It might seem small, but to Beomgyu, it's a matter that you shouldn't mess about.
So what if Taehyun's sick? Who says he'll suffer with him when Taehyun's been nothing but a blessing to him for the past one month plus since they started dating??

Who has the right to tell Beomgyu who to love and not? Who has the right to tell him that he shouldn't be with his soulmate?
No one.

After the short conversation he had with his dad, the journey to the hospital fall dead silent. The brunette's sure that his dad notices how he had ruined his mood; not to mention early in the morning at that.
The moment they reached the hospital, before the car could properly stop, Beomgyu had already unlocked the passenger's door and steps a foot out to hop off the car.

He doesn't bother to look back and only proceeds to walk past the entrance and to the nursery where he meets up with his supervisor, the same one from when he volunteered and helps him set up the nursery before the kids can swarm in.
The day passes by so quickly, Beomgyu didn't realize a good five hours passed as he helps around the nursery, sometimes helping the nurses deliver medication to patient's rooms.

It isn't an easy job, to look out for a bunch of kids; ensuring they eat and take their medicine which sometimes, if they're not in the mood and are naughty devilish brats, they'd spit it out. Beomgyu will have to make sure they get enough rest, not injure themselves, play with them, wash their dishes, accompany them to the toilet and seriously, whatever baby drug they put in these kids, aren't matching Beomgyu's energy at all.

Or maybe Beomgyu's just growing old, but he's only 18 for fuck sake.
And of course, there's that one particular kid that Beomgyu loves who never naps like the other kids; LiHyun.
"Beomgyu-hyung!! Can we take a walk??" LiHyun asks with a pout while tugging Beomgyu's pants.

Beomgyu chuckles and nods, holding a hand for LiHyun but the toddler wraps his hand around Beomgyu's index finger instead, a trait Beomgyu adores.
With permission from his supervisor, Beomgyu takes LiHyun out for a walk around the hospital. Out of all the kids in the nursery, LiHyun isn't as active as them but really likes to walk around. He just can't sit still and it reminds him of a certain black hair male.

Gosh, Beomgyu can't wait to pay Taehyun a visit and just dive in the bed with the younger in his arms, although in Taehyun's words, rather than it being lovey dovey, it's a form of 'coercion' to him.
Damn, the boy won't let him live not when his sharp tongue and snarky remarks sticks to him like adhesive glue.
A sweetheart indeed.

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