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"CHOI BEOMGYU, PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!!" Namjoon's hoarse voice blasts through the speakers of the school, echoing down the hallways and corridors.

Beomgyu jumps, startled by the harsh call and puts on an exasperated expression while clicking his tongue.

"I thought you're done with volunteering?" I.N asks, turning to face Beomgyu.
"I've one more day. I didn't falsify the checklist, they can call each place I volunteered if they don't believe it." Beomgyu says.

" went out for graffiti last night, right? Maybe the police snitched on you?" Sungchan asks nonchalantly.
"Jinyoung-hyung was the one who caught me, he'll never tell."

Beomgyu turns on his toes and leaves his two friends, trudging his way down the hallways and turns to the corner that leads to the principal's office.

He finds himself clouded with thoughts. It's possible it's about the graffiti. But, he knows well that Jinyoung wouldn't snitch on him.
The brunette halts his steps and finds himself in front of the tiger's den.
' was someone else?'

Beomgyu knocks on the door before hearing a 'come in' from the other side, signalling him to enter. He's then met with two of his least favourite people's faces.

He doesn't waste time and goes straight to the point.
"Look, if you think I falsified that checklist, you're wrong. You can call those centres and they'll tell you that I didn't coERcED them." Beomgyu rolls his eyes.
"That's not it, Beomgyu. Someone reported they saw you out spraying some more graffiti shit." Namjoon informs.

Beomgyu feels a growing lump in his throat.
He expected it but he didn't expect what rolled off Namjoon's tongue after.
"Someone reported to the police that you were doing graffiti again. Beomgyu, how many times are we going to warn you to stop? Do you need more hours of community service, do you want to go on probation-"

"Someone?" Beomgyu asks, not listening to the rest of his sentence.
As far as Beomgyu recalled, no one was nearby the alley. The convenience store was opened but there weren't people passing by. The only one present...
Was Taehyun.

"Choi Beomgyu!!" The principal calls out, snapping Beomgyu out of his thoughts.

"Damn, ye didn't have to say my full name. I thought it was my mom for a sec, I got goosebumps." Beomgyu plasters a disgusted look, sarcastically showing off the fine hair on his arm.

"You're lucky that we're giving you one last chance. If we receive more of these reports-" the principal smashes a bundle of papers onto his desk.
"Say goodbye to graduation."

It struck Beomgyu just by hearing the word 'graduation' and he feels tears pick the corners of his eyes.
It means a lot to Beomgyu. Who would want to waste another year in high school? He aspires to get into college and like hell is he gonna let himself fall behind.
But, what's the use of it if he can't enjoy doing what he's passionate about?
Beomgyu's mind traces back to the word 'someone' and finds himself swallowing hard as he balls his hands into fists and he feels them getting sweaty.

'Shit. I'll murder that kid.'
Beomgyu storms out of the room after being dismissed, feverish heat starts crawling up his skin.

He's got one thing to do now. And it's hunt his prey. To think Taehyun would go behind his back after asking so much to follow him?

Just when Beomgyu turns to a corner, his eyes lock with familiar doe ones that never fail to sparkle in his eyes. But soon enough, his expression falters as he registers the boy in front of him.

"Beomgyu-hyung-" Taehyun calls out, approaching the older and holds out a black jacket. "I was searching for you so that I'd return these to y-heyy!!"
Before the younger can finish his sentence, Beomgyu grabs the black hair male's wrist, pulling him harshly into an empty classroom nearby.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now