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Beomgyu's eyes slowly open as his eyes greet the day shine seeping through the spaces of the curtain, his heart and lungs expand as he breathes in. His eyes adjust to greet the sunlight, seeing the colours of the room as bright as the back-lit images of cinema screens.

He stretches his legs only to bump his toes into something fluffy and warm. He peers down to see Lunar at the edge of the bed, curling into a ball while still asleep.

It then registers him after he feels shuffling beside him and he turns to his side to see Taehyun's face inches close to his, with his eyes close and mouth slightly agape, soft snores snoozing out.
Beomgyu reaches out to cup the younger's cheeks, causing Taehyun to scrunch his nose but later laying against his touch.
"I love you too."

Beomgyu smiles as he recalls yesterday's events. He lifts the corner of the blanket draped over them to get out, but Taehyun opened his eyes immediately as he noticed the brunette leaving.
The younger instantly reached his hand out, grabbing Beomgyu by arm, pulling it back so he couldn't leave.
"Don't you dare." Taehyun protests, his eyebrows furrowing.

Beomgyu raises an eyebrow but does as told and lies back onto the bed. Taehyun begins to climb over the older to wrap his arms around the older's torso and press his cheeks against the older's chest, catching Beomgyu by surprise.
"I'm still sleepy." Taehyun grumbles.

Beomgyu snorted, lacing his fingers through Taehyun's hair with eyes of adoration.
"That's a horrible excuse." Beomgyu says.

"You're so clingy. I mean, can't blame you, I'm a snack-"
"Shut it dickhead." Taehyun snaps, pressing his cheeks even further to hide them from turning red.
Beomgyu snickers and proceeds to tilt Taehyun's chin up to peck his lips, earning a blush from the younger and a hit on his chest with a scowl on Taehyun's face.

They're both caught startled when they feel Lunar trying to come between them by nuzzling her nose in the gaps between both of their faces. Both boys giggle from the dog's adorable action.
"Should we go out today, sunshine?" Beomgyu asks.

As if he couldn't get any redder, Beomgyu's words never fail to make Taehyun blush harder than he already is.
"T-The nickname..." Taehyun mutters.
Beomgyu tilts his head.
"What? Why? You don't like it?" Beomgyu asks.
Taehyun shakes his head and smiles.

"You can call me anything you want. We're... boyfriends...right?" Taehyun mumbles at the end of his sentence but it was loud enough for the brunette to hear.
Beomgyu coos at the word 'boyfriend'.

Never would he thought he'd be able to call Taehyun his boyfriend nor did he expect for Taehyun to initiate it first.
"What did you say, sunshine?" Beomgyu asks in a teasing manner.
"Bastard..." Taehyun pouts and looks away.
Beomgyu chuckles.

"So? Is that a yes to today's date?" He asks again and Taehyun nods excitingly, a wide smile drawn on his lips.
Soon after, the two boys finally got up from the bed.

"Hey, I'll come back later okay? I need to get a change of clothes back home." Beomgyu informs and grudges towards the door, only for Taehyun to grab his arm again.

"I-I got spare clothes that aren't my size, you can borrow those." Taehyun mutters, shyly looking away.
The brunette coos.

"Is that your way of wanting me to stay- Hey!!"
"SHUT UP AND TAKE A GODDAMN BATH YOU STINKY PIECE OF CRAP!!" Taehyun says while shoving the latter into the bathroom.


"These actually fit me very well." Beomgyu says while admiring the orange sweater and black jeans he's spotting in front of the mirror.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now