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"Did I kill someone in my past life to be dragged out by you?" Taehyun asks sarcastically

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"Did I kill someone in my past life to be dragged out by you?" Taehyun asks sarcastically.
Yeonjun rolls his eyes. "If you weren't Hyewon's little brother, I would've tackled you to the ground."

"Hyewon-noona would murder you."
"Exactly. She babies you too much." Yeonjun remarks as the two boys drive off.
"So, where are you taking me?" Taehyun asks.

"We're just driving around." Yeonjun replies.
The younger furrows his eyebrows.
"You threatened to break down my apartment door, asked me to get ready in 10 minutes, just to goddamn drive around??"

"We'll go to McDonald's drive thru or sumn."
"Not helping."
Yeonjun chuckles, stealing glances at the pouty younger who ignores him to stare out the window.

Taehyun admires the sight behold of him, with the speeding cars on the busy streets and the congested view of the tall buildings in the city. Morning views aren't his forte, noise pollution is just a pain in the ass but night views are just dazzling.

Taehyun's eyes snap back to reality when he feels a strand of his hair being tucked behind his ears. He instantly slaps the older's hand away, earning a laugh from Yeonjun.

"Fiesty as always." Yeonjun comments.
"Inappropriate to do that when you have a boyfriend." Taehyun says while looking away.

His heart slightly tightens at the word 'boyfriend' despite rolling off his own tongue.
"I actually asked you something but looks like you didn't catch it."

Taehyun instantaneously snaps his head and attention back to Yeonjun.
"I asked if you've already met your soulmate?" Yeonjun asks.

Taehyun shrugs his shoulders. "I haven't but I've got two black roses on my arm."
Yeonjun flickers his eyes from the younger's arm and back to the road in front of him.

"You only have one, though?"
Taehyun's eyes widen and lifts his arm to his eyes.
Indeed, Yeonjun was true-

He only had one. The very first one.
Taehyun tilts his head.
'I was sure the other day I saw two?'

"Did your soulmate kiss it off, perhaps?" Yeonjun asks.
Taehyun shakes his head. "No, like I said, I haven't met him or her. I must've mistook it for the glowing rose."

"What about you?" Taehyun continues. "How did you find out Soobin-hyung was your soulmate?"

Yeonjun grins. "We were drunk and I joked with him that we were soulmates so I playfully kissed one of his roses, only for the both of us to witness it fading out."

Taehyun glances at Yeonjun to find the latter smiling ear to ear, silently laughing as he recalls the day he found out Soobin's his soulmate.

Surprisingly, it didn't really hurt and Taehyun musters up a smile.
'As long as they're happy...'

What do you think of Beomgyu?" Yeonjun asks.
Taehyun raises an eyebrow, puzzled by the sudden question.

"Have you ever considered him as someone you'll be with in the future?" Yeonjun asks when he notices how baffled the younger was.
Eventually, Taehyun nods.

"We've been at each other's throats, but recently we've been hanging out and Beomgyu-hyung turned out to be nice. Since we're always having dinner together on the weekends, I'm 100% sure I'll be seeing him until I die-"

"Taehyunnie, you're misinterpreting the question. I mean... as a lover."

Taehyun's eyes widen, and he feels a growing heat gush to his cheeks, matching his flustered appearance.

"W-What do you mean?? N-No no, it's impossible." Taehyun stutters his words.
"You know love sprouts from hate, right?"

"I-I like someone else..."

"And what if I told you, Beomgyu's your soulmate?" Yeonjun asks.

Taehyun jolts from the words that rolled off the older's tongue, instantly, he feels a feverish heat crawl on his skin and he reaches out for the AC to lower the temperature despite knowing well that he wasn't externally hot.

"What do you mean?" Taehyun mumbles but loud enough for Yeonjun to hear.

"When we had dinner the other day, you were unwell and you accidentally cut your finger, right? I don't think anyone else noticed but Beomgyu hissed in pain and my eyes followed where his eyes were. And they landed on his arm before he ran off to you. You can guess why, judging from what was on his arm-"

"Nonsense, no-" Taehyun cuts Yeonjun off. "A black rose can't be easily formed just from a cut on the finger, though??"

"Beomgyu told me the cut was deep and..." Yeonjun cocks his head to the direction of the younger's finger. "It must be really painful if you've got a whole ass bandage wrapped around it like a cast. You were crying too."

'Or it's possible because of how heart broken I was then. But still...'
"You're lying." Taehyun protests with a stern tone.

Yeonjun shrugs his shoulders. "Suit yourself. You mentioned earlier that you're into someone?"

'Your goddamn boyfriend.'

"Well, Beomgyu's straight and we all know that you don't necessarily have to end up with your soulmate. It's your choice so maybe it's best to leave things as it is. I'm just telling you this because you deserve the truth."

"Maybe you're right. But it should've been Beomgyu-hyung to tell me this." Taehyun says.
'Why didn't he want to tell me?'

'Did he not want to accept the reality of it too?'
Taehyun sighs, catching the older's attention.

"What are you thinking in that pretty head of yours?" Yeonjun asks cheekily.
In the nick of time, just like what Yeonjun promised, they arrive at McDonald's drive thru and are queuing up behind a row of vehicles.

"I was just thinking that you're right. It's better to leave it as it is..."

"At least no one gets hurt."

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now