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"Taehyun-ah." Beomgyu calls out upon pushing the unlocked door of the younger's apartment door.

"Taehyun-ah?" Beomgyu calls out again when he doesn't receive a respond, while slipping his shoes off before entering Taehyun's humble abode.

Beomgyu hears clanking noises coming from the kitchen but when he passed by the dining table, he sees two bowls of rice with a variety of side dishes with two empty glasses and a bottle of grape juice sat at the centre of the table.
"Beomgyu-hyung~" Taehyun calls out while trudging out from his bedroom with the help of his cane.

The ends of Beomgyu's lips curve upwards as he walks towards the younger to pull him close by the waist. He rests his head on Taehyun's shoulder, letting the younger's fresh scent linger in his nostrils.
"How are you doing? Have you taken your meds?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun hums.

"Hyung, you literally set up alarms in my phone and call me five minutes after every alarm goes off. How can I not take my meds?" Taehyun says sarcastically, mocking the older's protectiveness.
Beomgyu chuckles, planting a kiss on Taehyun's neck.

"What about you? You've been busy with your part time job and commissions." Taehyun asks.
"I got an offer to do a mural at the cafe Hyewon-noona works at. It's going so well, when it's done, I'll bring you there."
"Where's Lunar? I haven't seen her in a while." Beomgyu asks.

"She's been following Hyewon-noona and staying at the pet shelter to kinda guard it. So yeah, she kinda comes back during the weekends with noona."

Beomgyu is then reminded of the meal displayed on the dining table. He releases his grip around Taehyun and helps Taehyun walk slowly to the dining table, pulling out a chair for the younger to sit.
"What's all this?" Beomgyu asks, his eyes scanning each side dish.

"I cooked!!" Taehyun exclaims excitingly, showing off his bright baby smile.
Taehyun, being off guard, flinches in shock when he suddenly feels Beomgyu's lips peck his softly, yet his stomach does tumbles and somersaults in response.

"You're amazing, you know that?" Beomgyu compliments.
Taehyun rolls his eyes.
"I never even had a single flaw, hyung." Taehyun remarks, earning a scoff from the brunette.
"I'm not sure if it's good though. It's my first time cooking a full course meal." Taehyun says, while pouring the grape juice into their glasses.

Beomgyu takes a pair of chopsticks in his hand and scoops up kimchi and a fish fillet into his bowl of rice. He then mixes the rice a bit before taking a scoop or two into his mouth.

He eyes the boy in front of him who's looking at him with puppy doe eyes, expecting a reaction.
"Y'know your eyes are like, my weakest point?" Beomgyu says, food still crushing in his mouth.
"Mhmm, that's why I'm using it to my advantage." Taehyun says while scrunching his nose.

Beomgyu swallows and grabs the glass of grape juice to chug it down, sending a cold sensation down his throat.
"It's salty." Beomgyu says bluntly.
Taehyun's eyes droop and his lips form a pout. Beomgyu coos, chortling at the cute view. He attempts to cheer the younger up by taking in more of his food into his mouth.

"Y'know I'll eat whatever and anything you cook for me." Beomgyu says.
"No matter how bad they are?" Taehyun asks, mystifying the brunette with his puppy eyes-
Because HELL YEAH he knows his power over him.

"Even if you used expired products, I'll still eat it." Beomgyu says and Taehyun scoffs.
"You're so cheesy."
"So, doesn't that mean you've ticked off another part of your bucket list?" Beomgyu asks, suddenly reminded of Taehyun's bucket list.

Taehyun hums and proceeds to eat the food he prepared.
Just when they both fall silent, just enjoying each other's presence with Taehyun's kind of salty home made food, Beomgyu snaps his head to look at the younger who suddenly scoffs, a smile playing on Taehyun's lips.

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