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"Is something bothering you?" Hyewon asks her younger brother.
Taehyun shoots her a perplexed look.
"Does it look like it?" Taehyun asks and Hyewon nods.

Taehyun laughs it off and assures his sister by shaking his head.
"There's nothing wrong. Do you need any help?" Taehyun changes the subject by asking if his sister needed help with the cooking.

"Just set the table as usual, Taehyun. Wouldn't want you to burn this place up."
Taehyun rolls his eyes. "I'm still learning, you didn't have to diss me."

It's the weekends, and as usual, Taehyun's sister returned home to spend the weekends with him. But before that, she had her shift at the pet shelter.
Of course, it's only when Hyewon comes home, Taehyun eats a proper home made meal, it's not like he's that good in cooking anyway.

Just when Taehyun's about to set up the table, Lunar comes running from Hyewon's bedroom, clutching onto Taehyun's legs while barking.
Taehyun crouches down to pet her white coat while Lunar nuzzles her nose into the crook of Taehyun's neck, sending a ticklish feel.

"You decided to bring her back?" Taehyun asks.
"She was barking at the pet shelter asking to come home." Hyewon replies.

"Damn, and she's been barking to stay at the shelter whenever I wanted to bring her home."
Taehyun cradles the dog in his arms.
"Want to cuddle with me tonight?" Taehyun asks Lunar and the samoyed dog barks, curling into Taehyun's touch even more.

A few minutes passed and Hyewon places the what looks like a full course meal on the dining table and Taehyun slips into his chair to join his sister after washing his hands.

There's always something for the siblings to chat about. When you put two people who collects a shit ton of gossips into one room, a never ending story time will occur. And it's not just gossips, it can be almost anything, from talking about their favourite TV shows, what they've been doing lately and their future too.
"Y'know..." Hyewon says before taking a gulp from her orange juice.

"Do you know about that ruckus on twitter? Something about Beomgyu posting a tweet but then he deleted it and said it was Soobin."
Taehyun jolts hearing the older's name and clears his throat before shaking his head.

"I don't know. I hadn't been on twitter since yesterday nor did I check my messages."
"Oh? Why so?"
"J-Just, I was tired from that host club thing." Taehyun hangs his head low while giving a hesitant smile.

He didn't want Hyewon to question more because his sister can see him through glass. But he's relief that she didn't, instead she nods and continues to dig into her food. Like hell would he tell her the actual reason-
When his mind's actually occupied with yesterday events; how Beomgyu kissed him.

Taehyun bites the insides of his mouth to restrain a blush from creeping to his cheeks. Every time he thinks about the kiss, his mind just turns wild, his stomach churns with butterflies and his face dust ref as a tomato.

It consumed him so deeply that even he ignored Kai's messages, his own best friend.
All he could think about was how Beomgyu held him by the waist as their bodies pressed together, and how their tongues danced in sync as their lips moulded sensually.

Just thinking about it made him hot and he's reduced the temperature to the point he's wearing a sweater.
"W-What is it about? Beomgyu-hyung's tweet?" Taehyun asks, stuttering and goddamn he hates himself for stuttering, it feels like he just gave off the reason.

"I didn't see it because he deleted in a matter of seconds but my friend said it's about him kissing a guy? But then he said it was Soobin who used his account."
'K-KISSING????.!!,)) Oh lord, does he mean me??'

"If you think about it though, why would Soobin hold onto Beomgyu's account anyway right?" Hyewon giggles, earning a dry laugh from her brother.
"But, maybe it's true. After all, Soobin always panics whenever he kisses Yeonjun and Beomgyu's straight." Hyewon continues.

Taehyun nods with a smile.
"Yeah, maybe." Taehyun says with a small smile.

For some reason, hearing Soobin's name doesn't give him butterflies anymore.
They continued to chat while they ate and Taehyun's always astonished how Hyewon gives the best stories as if the world just evolves around her.

But in the middle of it, when Taehyun had just about to finish his meal, he starts to realise how his vision starts to blur.
'What's this??'
Taehyun rubs his eyes with the back of his hand, trying to restore his clear vision only to find himself rubbing harder and harder but his sight becomes more blurry.

Hyewon then notices Taehyun's strange act and furrows her eyebrows, calling out to him.
"Taehyun??" Hyewon calls her brother.

But Taehyun can't hear anything. He feels his ears muffled; blocking his hearing, his eyes getting more blurry and he clumsily stands up, causing the table to rattle as he starts panicking. Hyewon instantly gets up too and rushes over to Taehyun, ignoring the plates and cutleries clattering on the floor.
"Noona??" Taehyun calls out while stumbling over.

"Noona, where are you?? I can't see-"
"Taehyun??!! I'm here, I'm here!!" Hyewon exclaims with a frantic expression as she eyes the panic and terrified look on Taehyun's face, cupping her brother's cheeks to face her.
"Noona, I-"

Before Taehyun could finish his sentence, Taehyun slips on his foot and stumbles forward into Hyewon's arms causing the two siblings to fall on the ground.
"Taehyun-ah??" Hyewon panics as she slightly pushes Taehyun off and sits up, cradling Taehyun into her trembling hands.
Taehyun had his eyes closed and Hyewon tries shaking him up.

"T-Taehyun?? Taehyun?? Wake up!! Wake up!!" Hyewon calls out, on the verge of tears but she doesn't receive a proper respond.
Hyewon hastily grabs her phone on the dining table in the midst of the messy place and dials the only number she can think off.

"P-Please pick up!!" Hyewon says desperately as her free hand cradles Taehyun in her arms.
"Taehyun, please wake up!!" Hyewon calls out once again with tears streaming down her cheeks.

But the only respond she received was Taehyun's head tilting backwards as his body relaxes...
And his breath slowing down.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now