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A month later.

"Do I have to still keep my eyes closed?" Taehyun asks while putting his hands over his eyes to cover his sight and Beomgyu hums at the question.

"We're almost there." Beomgyu says.
After a few minutes of pushing Taehyun in his wheelchair, he stops the wheelchair in front of a wall in which he smiles proudly at. He then taps the younger's shoulder.

"You can open your eyes now." Beomgyu says and Taehyun releases his clasp hands from his eyes only for his jaw to fall agape and his eyes widen in awe.

They were at the cafe that his sister worked at, but not at the front, at its side instead. And on its wall was a mural of doodles scattered beautifully with splashes of vibrant colours painted across the walls.
"Hyung!!" Taehyun exclaims and Beomgyu hums, chuckling at how the younger's eyes sparkled while pushing the wheelchair he's in forward.

"Is this the mural you were working on??? It's amazing!!" Taehyun compliments while tracing his fingers across the painted wall.

Beomgyu's cheeks turn red at the compliment and how Taehyun's delicate fingers dance across his masterpiece.
"You're the first to see this, after the manager of course." Beomgyu says.

"Can I video call Hyewon-noona?? Gosh, she'll be thrilled~" Taehyun asks, already fishing his phone out and Beomgyu nods, giving him the green light.

Taehyun taps on his sister's contact number, selecting the video call option and not even a few seconds after he dialled, Hyewon instantly picked up the call.

"Noona!!" Taehyun exclaims while waving at the camera, his other hand stretched out while holding his phone.
"Taehyun-ah!! You're outside??" Hyewon asks and Taehyun nods while giggling.

"Beomgyu-hyung took me out but noona, I gotta show you something-" Taehyun switches the camera lens to the front and he chuckles when he hears his sister gasp in awe.

"Oh my gosh??!! Did Beomgyu paint this?? The mural is complete??"
"I just finished it yesterday." Beomgyu butts in.

"Wahh... gosh, this is another level compared to your graffiti Beomgyu." Hyewon comments.
"He's amazing isn't he?" Taehyun asks and Hyewon nods, laughing a bit.

"That's probably the first time I hear a compliment from you. Beomgyu, you've changed him, I'm impressed."
"I think it's the other way round. He's changed me." Beomgyu says and Hyewon rolls his eyes.
"Y'all are disgusting-" She jokes.

"Anyway, Taehyun-ah, I'll be staying over at the hospital, text me what food you want and what should I bring from the apartment okayy?"

"Alright, thanks noona. See you there~" Taehyun says before ending the video call.
"Do you have to be back at the hospital any time soon?" Beomgyu asks and the younger shakes his head.
"Didn't your dad give you permission to bring me out??" Taehyun asks.

"I'm just making sure. I have another place to bring you to." Beomgyu says.
"Oh?? Where are we going??" Taehyun asks.
"It's a secret." Beomgyu winks and Taehyun rolls his eyes.

Beomgyu chuckles and resumes to push the younger while walking down the streets.
These days, Taehyun's officially not going to school anymore and only relies on recorded classes and online tests given to him by the teachers. But knowing how book-smart he is, Taehyun has no problem.

And it's been two weeks or so since he's officially hospitalised. His health has been deteriorating slowly but like Beomgyu once mentioned, it's like an on and off switch and the doctors, including his dad wants to and prefers to keep a close eye on him.

Today, it's the weekends and since Beomgyu ended his shift at the nursery a bit earlier, he decided to bring Taehyun out to show the mural.he completed at Hyewon's cafe and right now, he's got another place to bring the younger to which he's really excited about and it's not that far for him to push the wheelchair.

Beomgyu brings Taehyun in front of what seems like a run down and empty shop lot. It's quite big and it's clearly empty, with bits of rubble here and there.
"What's this place?" Taehyun asks, observing the shop lot.

"One day, after I graduated from university and have enough money, I'll buy this shop lot and turn it into my own art exhibition." Beomgyu says.
"Why hasn't it been bought yet by anyone? Nor being rent? Is it expensive??"

"It is, because it's locations quite strategic. I've been eyeing it for a while and hopefully no one buys it in the next few years. It's been empty for almost 5 years now. In the future, I'll make it colourful, splash it with colours and display portraits of all my paintings and future ones of course. I want everyone to see how I express myself in my art."
"And you will. I believe in you." Taehyun says, looking up to shoot a sweet smile at the older.

"C'mon, let's go in. Oh, but before that-"
Beomgyu pulls out his handkerchief and ties it around Taehyun's eyes, covering his sight and earning a small yelp from the black hair male.

"Yah, are you murdering me hyung??" Taehyun asks in a sarcastic tone.
"And for what reason would I murder you, sunshine?" Beomgyu asks, playing along.
Taehyun shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know, in those thriller psycho movies, the boyfriend would always bring their girlfriends somewhere and end up killing them because they so call loVE them too MuCH."

"Taehyun-ah, I love you with all my heart, body and soul but I rather die first than kill you." Beomgyu says and Taehyun giggles.
The brunette pushes the wheelchair into the shop lot and when he stops, Taehyun feels Beomgyu's intense gaze on him with the older's warmth radiating at his side.

"Are you ready?" Beomgyu whispers into his ears, sending shivers down Taehyun's spine.
"Ready for what?? To be murdered??" Taehyun teases.
"For fuck sake Taehyun, I'm trying to set the mood here."

Taehyun chortles. Even if he can't see with the blindfold, he can tell that Beomgyu's pouting.
He eventually nods, signalling the green light to Beomgyu and the older slips his hand around the back of his head, untying the knot of the blindfold.

He lets the blindfold fall off swiftly and Taehyun opens his eyes, once again astounded by the sight in front of him.
His eyes land on the wall in front of him, but it wasn't empty, it was painted. His eyes trail off to every detail of the painting, from the wrinkles on white, the honey like colour of its base and the highlights of black, Taehyun's bewildered, beyond speechless at how beautiful the painting is.

"Is that... a painting of me?" Taehyun asks, looking up at the brunette and Beomgyu nods.
Just like at the mural, Taehyun inches closer to the painting and reaches up to trace his fingers along the wall.

It was a painting of him sleeping, his black hair tousled yet revealing a bit of his forehead. Beomgyu had painted every detail; from the wrinkles on his usual white pajamas to the blanket that's pulled up slightly below where his shoulder blade was. His arms were folded with his head resting on top of them.

"When did you even have the time?" Taehyun asks.
"Remember when we went to Jeju? And I drew you in my iPad that one morning but I told you I won't show it to you yet? Well, here it is. My surprise to you." Beomgyu says.

Beomgyu pulls the wheelchair away and crouches in front of Taehyun. He stripes off his back pack and pulls out a large box from it.
"I also got those shoes you like." Beomgyu says while opening the lid of the box to reveal a pair of white shoes highlighted with colours of mint green and light grey.

"Huhh?? These are expensive, hyung!!" Taehyun says, taking the box onto his lap from Beomgyu's grip.
"I know. So I worked part time for it. You loved these shoes, you're always eyeing them whenever we went to the mall. I had to get it for you." Beomgyu says.

Before Taehyun can speak his words, Beomgyu leans in and kisses the younger on his lips, which Taehyun instantaneously reciprocates.

"Happy anniversary, sunshine." Beomgyu says when he pulled away.
"You're the best." Taehyun says, pulling the older by the collar to peck his lips once again.

"I love you." Taehyun says and Beomgyu shoots a wide and bright smile, revealing his teeth and dimple. His cheeks turn red from being giddy and shy.

"I love you too." Beomgyu replies.
"But hyung, y'know I sleep with my eyes slightly open right?" Taehyun says while pointing at the painting.
"Huh?? For some reason I saw them closed though??"

New fact about Taehyun: unlocked.

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