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"An open what now?"
"Open night mic." Sungchan says.
"Open mic night you twat." I.N remarks.

"I think it's cool, just... how's the flow again?" Beomgyu asks and Winter nods.
"Well, our class is crazy talented. Mashiho can sing, Ryujin can rap, I.N can trot, Sungchan can rap and Beomgyu can play the musical instruments. We're not gonna ask people to perform. We're performing for them. So, my suggestion, get into pairs or groups and decide what kinda show you're gonna put on."

Winter says, gesturing everyone to move their asses pronto.
"Beomgyu's in my group before y'all can snatch him!!" Sungchan declares, draping an arm over Beomgyu's shoulder protectively.

I.N giggles. "Jaehyuk, Mashiho!! You're in with us?" I.N calls out.
"Oh hell yeah!!" Jaehyuk exclaims, scooching his seat closer to Beomgyu's table where they're gathered.

Mashiho joins too and he turns to look at Beomgyu who seems to be deep in thoughts.
"Not into the idea of us joining?" Mashiho teasingly asks, catching Beomgyu's attention right away.

"What? Of course, not. I'm more than glad that we've got you two on our side. We need your vocals." Beomgyu says.
The brunette anxiously plays with his fingers. It's probably obvious to others that he was caught in his own mind, which he rarely does.

It's not really regarding the festival, okay... maybe 40% of it is but the remaining 60% are thoughts consumed about Taehyun.
"Gimme two weeks."

Who would've thought it'd go down the drain just like that? Now that he's going to be packed with practices for the festival in nine days, he's got to contribute his entire focus to it.

And it isn't easy to begin with, especially since they're planning on recomposing the song they'll be covering.
"Hey, Jaehyuk and I are gonna grab some snacks at the vending machine, need anything?" Mashiho asks.

"Apple juice." The three boys say simultaneously, earning a chuckle and nod from Mashiho before leaving the classroom with Jaehyuk.
Beomgyu slumps in his chair and fishes out his phone only for I.N to take his phone away.

"Spill." I.N says.
"Spill what?" Beomgyu asks, plastering a perplexed expression.
"Something's bothering you. Is it about the festival?" Sungchan asks.

"Actually...kinda. The other day I took Taehyun out on a date-"
"And I was right, wasn't I?" I.N raises an eyebrow cheekily.

Beomgyu rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah, I already realized from the beginning that it was a losing game. Look, I like him. I think... NO, I know I actually do, but Taehyun doesn't. So I told him to give me two weeks and I'll make him fall in love with me-"

"Well, how many days you have left??"
"Ten or so. But that's not the issue right now. The issue's that I didn't make a single move yet and now with this open mic night, I won't even have the time since we've gotta practice."

In that instant, I.N's eyes widen and a smile plays on his lips as if a light bulb flashed on top of his head. He then gestures Beomgyu to come closer and he leans in the latter's ear.

"I got an idea..." I.N whispers the rest.
Beomgyu, astounded by the idea nods furiously.
"Jeongin you badass genius!!" Beomgyu exclaims.

I.N chuckles. "Minju!!" I.N calls out, catching the attention of one of their female classmates.
She walks over and I.N pats the chair beside him and across Beomgyu's. Minju takes a seat.

"I know that look. You've got something up your sleeves." Minju states, crossing her arms over her chest.
"So? Who's asking?" She continues and I.N points to Beomgyu with the brunette pointing to himself.

"I need a favour." Beomgyu says.
The three of them (ignoring Sungchan) started drawing a plan, with I.N constructing the main idea, Beomgyu adding some on and Minju suggesting a few bits.

The three of them were so immersed to the point they didn't realize the bell had rung and it was time to go home and that Sungchan had dozed off.
Minju gets up from her seat.

"I'll meet you by my locker?" She asks and Beomgyu nods.
"I'll see you in a bit."


Taehyun walks down the hallways with Kai by his side. The bell had rung, indicating it's time to go home but Taehyun's got to visit the pet shelter as usual.

"You're the centre of attention again." Kai says, nudging Taehyun's side.
Taehyun turns left and right, to look at his surroundings and finds some of the students passing by him shoot him a smile, some guys give him a wink, some girls were waving at him and some bid him a goodbye.

"The school's sweetheart. They're gawking at you like you're a piece of meat." Kai says, earning another nudge from Taehyun.
"Maybe I should ask Hyewon-noona to enter high school again to reclaim that title-"

"She's already the university's sweetheart."
"I hate it here." Taehyun says sternly and sarcastically while scrunching his eyebrows and Kai laughs at it, amused.

Taehyun stops in his tracks when he hears a fit of laughter and his eyes fall on the sight of Beomgyu leaning against the lockers, the brunette's eyes focused as he talks and smiles with a girl standing in front of him.

"Taehyun?" Kai turns around and calls out when he notices Taehyun's left behind.
But he couldn't hear him. The noises surrounding him are instantly muffled and his eyes continue to remain still on the glimpse in front of him.

He ignores every passing human waving at him and Kai's voice that's summoning him on repeat.

Taehyun's eyes widen when he sees the girl leaning close to whisper into Beomgyu's ear and he immediately feels his heart clench at the sight, his fingers tremble and lips quiver.

"S-Shit." Beomgyu cusses, but loud enough for Taehyun to hear from afar.

He pulls up his sleeve to see a black rose forming and Taehyun sees it too. The black hair male snaps out of his trance and pulls Kai by the arm, dragging him away to the corner when he sees the older searching around, possibly for him.

"Yah, yah!! You okay Taehyun??" Kai asks but all he received was Taehyun slumping down onto the ground.

"A black rose..." Taehyun mutters to himself.
'Why did it appear on hyung's arm??'

Taehyun buries his face in his palm as he recalls how Beomgyu and the girl were laughing.
'They seem to really enjoy each other's presence.'

Of course, how dumb is he to be fooled this way? Beomgyu's straight after all. What was he expecting from the latter?? More importantly...
'Why does it hurt?'

'Did it appear because of me?'

Taehyun looks up from his palm, then ruffling his fingers through his hair in frustration while letting out a squeak in frustration when he comes to realisation.


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