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"Congrats, you caused one hell of a ruckus that lasted longer than Hyunjin's case." I.N says and Beomgyu rolls his eyes.
"C'mon..." Beomgyu speaks but then takes a bite from his food.

"It's been a week since prom, get over it. It's not like I disappeared for no reason." Beomgyu says.
I.N chuckles and then stands up from seat, followed by Beomgyu.

They're both at the diner, having lunch together after school but Sungchan can't join due to club activities. And now, the two friends are about to part ways for the day.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Gyu. Tell Taehyun I say hi." I.N says and Beomgyu nods with a smile before the two wall their seperate ways down the sidewalk.

Beomgyu takes his phone out from his pocket and dials a number before placing his phone near his ear.
He waits for the caller to pick up but immediately receives an answer within seconds.
"Hey-" Beomgyu says.
"I'm on my way to pick it up."


Hyewon plays with the hem of her shirt as she's face to face with Dr Choi once again to discuss about Taehyun's surgery which supposedly, is in a week.

"The surgery's in a week..." Dr Choi mentions while eyeing the girl in front of him who's fidgeting with her fingers.
"I'm sorry Hyewon, but the doctors don't agree with instalments and if you can't pay, then we'll have no choice but to postpone the surgery to the next few months-"

"Taehyun needs the surgery!!" Hyewon exclaims, eyes pleading and lips quivering.
Hyewon pushes the chair away and gets on her knees. She bows down with her hands clasp together.
"Please... I'll do anything. Just give my brother the surgery." Hyewon begs.
"I'm sorry... I can't do anything about it-"

Before Dr Choi can finish his words, the door to his office flings open, revealing a particular brunette barging in with what seem like pieces of paper in his grasps.
Hyewon instantly gets up and slightly moves away.

Beomgyu smashes the two pieces of rectangular paper on his dad's table with a smirk on his face.
His dad leans forward, taking the two pieces of paper into his own hands only for his eyes to widen in shock.

"I've banked in 16.95 million won, Aunt Jihye, Taehyun's neighbour had banked in 25 million won so all Hyewon-noona has to pay is the balance, 13.05 million won." Beomgyu says.
Hyewon's eyes widen.

"Beomgyu..." Hyewon calls out and Beomgyu stares back at her with a reassuring smile.
"Give Taehyun the surgery." Beomgyu says bluntly but with a serious tone.

"How the hell did you get this much money??" His dad asks, still in shock with the large sum his own son had in hand.
"It's called part-timing and doing commissions for the past 5 months dad. Not to mention mom's friends are bloody rich and obsessed with my paintings." Beomgyu boasts proudly.

Beomgyu turns back to Hyewon when he hears sobs coming from his side. He crouches down to meet Hyewon's eye level and leans forward to give her a hug.

Hyewon breaks down as she clutches onto the brunette's arms, soaking the fabric of his school uniform.
"Thank you so much..." Hyewon whispers and Beomgyu smiles, rubbing her back reassuringly.
When they pull away, Beomgyu gets back on his feet to gaze back at his dad, this time with a serious look in his eyes.
"Give him the surgery." Beomgyu repeats.

Beomgyu's dad, without hesitation, grabs his office phone and dials a number.
"Hello, it's Dr Choi, oncologist. I'm here to schedule a surgery for patient room 205, Kang Taehyun next week. Please get the procedures ready."


"whAT THE F U C K??!! Yah!! Are you insane???" Taehyun shouts as he slaps Beomgyu countless of times, only for his own self to hiss in pain as more roses form on his arms.

"The more you slap me, the more you gain black roses." Beomgyu chuckles and Taehyun rolls his eyes.
"Weakling!! My hits aren't that hard."
"I beg to differ."

"But hyung!! Where did you even get the money?? 16.95 million won?? Yahh did you rob a bank??" Taehyun exclaims.
"Calm down would you?? Commissions give you a fortune and I've been part-timing my ass off, remember??" Beomgyu says as he reaches out to tuck the younger's loose strands of his bangs behind his ears.

Taehyun looks weak. That's the only word Beomgyu can describe the younger with the pass week since prom.
His body frame had gotten smaller and his honey like skin no longer had its glow, instead his complexion turned paler. His lips are pale too but there was still a bit of life there with its pink tint.

This time too, Taehyun no longer walk but even so, his hits are strong as fuck.
Beomgyu smiles once again despite earning weird and clueless looks from Taehyun.
He's beyond grateful that they managed to pay for his surgery in time.

Beomgyu eyes trail down to Taehyun's hands that seem to tremble. He cups the younger's hands into his, relaxing Taehyun bit by bit.
"Hey, relax." Beomgyu says reassuringly and Taehyun takes a deep breath, calming himself with the older's comfort and soothing voice.

"Gosh... I still can't believe you did that." Taehyun says.
"I really don't deserve you..." Taehyun mumbles but loud enough for Beomgyu to hear.
"Yeah, you don't. You deserve more than that. You deserve the world, sunshine~" Beomgyu responds.

"You're still as smooth as ever." Taehyun giggles oy for his facial expressions to drop the next second.
"Are you scared?" Beomgyu asks when he notices the change in expression. Despite that, Taehyun shakes his head.
"Why should I? It's not like it's my first surgery."

"You're shaking, love." Beomgyu comments as he starts to notice how Taehyun's hands are trembling severely and his body quivering.
Beomgyu sits at the edge of the bed and pulls Taehyun into a hug.

Taehyun closes his eyes and snuggles his nose in the crook of Beomgyu's neck, inhaling the peachy scent that never fails to make his heart flutter.

"Whatever it is, I'll be with you alright? I'll be busy a bit this week but I'll stay over a day before the surgery to be with you." Beomgyu says and Taehyun nods, hugging the older tighter.
"Can we see the stars again that day?" Taehyun asks and Beomgyu nods.

"Anything for you, love. So, don't be scared okay? I'm here for you."
"Promise you won't leave me?" Taehyun asks and Beomgyu responds by pecking Taehyun on the cheek.


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