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Next two months (cuz nothing really happened).

Beomgyu props his chin up with his hand as his eyes remain fix on the movements of his homeroom teacher's hand with a whiteboard marker in his grip as he writes a few words, and numbers on the board in front of them.
"96 days until prom." Their homeroom teacher, Mr Park Jimin announces.

"That's still quite a long way." Sungchan says and Jaehyuk agrees.
"Do we have to discuss it now??" Jaehyuk asks.

"Y'know the preparation for proms aren't as easy as you think, ask any of your seniors, it wasn't a piece of cake. It's just like preparing for the school festival but at a bigger scale." Jimin says.

"But, it's not like we're inviting outsiders over, it's just us." Beomgyu butts in.
"And do you want to have prom in that dumpster of a hall??"

"It's nothing much, since we've allocated each task to each class, your class will just handle sponsorships. Blue Hour Academy is hella rich but because our principal-"

Jimin snaps his head to the direction of the door, leaning his body forward while on his toes to check if any other teacher or student is walking by.
"Because our principle is a stuck up, stubborn, stingy and arrogant hag, we need to find our own source of money. Luckily we have a lot of people dying to invest in our school, so all we need to do our promotions." Jimin says.

The whole class snickers at Jimin's mean yet true remarks about their principle. Beomgyu's lips play a satisfied smile, of course, he's probably the one who's suffered the wraths of Hell with the name of their principle and their disciplinary teacher.

"Suggestion!!" I.N exclaims, raising his hand. He then points to Beomgyu's direction.
"Beomgyu's opening up for commissions. He can make posters using digital art that we can print after. We can advertise them through them. We'll cover the cost of posters with our money first, it's not that much if we divide them equally among our classmates." I.N says.

"Agree!! Beomgyu's an artist and he's made posters for I.N's cafe and the latest fundraising at the hospital. We can attract investors through his art-"
"And I can get more money." Beomgyu grins cheekily, earning an eye roll from Jimin.

"That's actually a good idea. If everyone agrees, then we can proceed with Beomgyu's posters but it'll have to be done ASAP so that we can hand them out." Jimin says and everyone nods in agreement.
"Mr!! What's the theme for this year's prom??" Minju asks.

"I don't know what the other class is coming up with, but I heard something like a gala?? As long as y'all don't outshine my prom suit, y'all can dress yourself in velvet, sparkles or satin-"

"Mr, it's not like you'll be a part of the 'Best Prom Suit / Dress' award." Mashiho chuckles.
"Let me live a little, not like I can rewind time." Jimin remarks.

Sungchan leans forward and catches I.N's attention by tapping his shoulder.
"He's basically indirectly calling himself old." Sungchan whispers, earning a snort from I.N.
"Sungchan, before I whip your ass-"

"SORREHHH!! but not sorry..." Sungchan whispers at the end, cutting Jimin off.
"And y'all can choose your prom date of course, it doesn't matter which year. Don't forget to elect a candidate for Prom King and Queen for your class." Jimin says and on cue, the school bell rings.

"That's all for today. You can discuss further in your group chat. Beomgyu, once you're done with the posters, email me a copy." Jimin informs.
"Roger that." Beomgyu replies.

The moment II in steps out of class, everyone packs up their bags and their whole class erupts in charters, especially about who's bringing who to prom.
"Hey!! We'll hold a vote on who should we elect as one of the candidates for Prom King and Queen in our group chat!! Make sure y'all vote!!" Somi says.

"Roger that." Mashiho says.
Sungchan tosses his bag over his shoulder and leans against Beomgyu's desk as he waits for the brunette to pack up.
"So, I won't have to ask who you're bringing?" Sungchan asks with a teasing smirk dancing on his lips.
"Don't ask questions that are obvious, Sungchan." I.N says.

"How is he, by the way? I've always wanted to visit him. But whenever I'm free, he's already out of the hospital." I.N continues.
Beomgyu smiles and stands from his seat.

"He's actually doing fine. Although he isn't attending school nowadays due to his condition. But he's still as hardworking as usual to the point I had to actually stop him from over working himself." Beomgyu says.
"He really can't sit still, huh?" Sungchan asks and Beomgyu nods, chuckling while his cheeks dust pink.

It's been two months since that day at the hospital; the first time Beomgyu saw Taehyun be admitted to the ICU while he was working.
That moment became some sort of a trigger to him.
However as time passes, Beomgyu can't help but notice how Taehyun's condition has deteriorated.

It's been a month or so, that Taehyun hasn't been attending school. His condition is like an on and off switch, one time he's standing and walking properly with no problems, the next thing you know, he's stumbling and losing the senses in his legs.
Not everyone knows about his condition, the teachers know, of course and only a few of their friends. People now are assuming that Taehyun's just having some kind of family difficulties that he had to be home schooled for a while.

Beomgyu can't really put a ring around how logical did that sound in peoples' mind, like, make it make sense. But, whatever works for them, I guess they'll just have to go with that excuse for now.
And so Taehyun studies at home, and Hyewon's often staying over at their apartment rather than her dorm as well so Beomgyu doesn't have to constantly worry about Taehyun.

Since it's been what, three months since they dated, Beomgyu, heck, Taehyun himself is convinced that the brunette has some sort of 'Taehyun radar' installed in him because he's always worried about Taehyun's health.

Although Taehyun always reminds Beomgyu that he's fine and healthy, it didn't really convince the older, not when Taehyun's legs are growing weaker by the day, his condition going on and off. He's rarely in school and Taehyun can't even go down to the pet shelter. He also depends on a cane to walk around the apartment and he now has a wheelchair beside his bed in case he really can't walk.

Yet he has the audacity to tell Beomgyu to calm down and not worry to death???!!
"Should we go to the diner?" I.N asks and while Sungchan nods in agreement, Beomgyu shakes his head to pass the offer.
"I've got work at the cafe Hyewon-noona works at. Her manager asked me to paint a mural and I've only started." Beomgyu says.

"Damn, you're really working hard on that money, huh? It's just for a pair of shoes." Sungchan comments and Beomgyu chuckles.
"It's more than that, Sungchan."

"Well, you're working your ass off day and night, you rarely even see us." I.N says.
"And the last time we visited, your room turned into some art studio." Sungchan says and I.N giggle.

"I hope what you've placed your effort for satisfies you and is more than enough with what you bargained for." I.N says, supporting his best friend through thick and thin.
Beomgyu nods with a soft smile. He's beyond grateful to have understanding friends despite not knowing his actual intentions.


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