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A month later.

Do you know that feeling when you're on cloud nine but it's more bizarre than that?? Like, not only are you laying and rolling on the fluffy and poofy marshmallow clouds, but you're surrounded by fresh air with rainbows across the skies and the petrichor smell of after rain and maybe with some flying unicorns-
Let's minus the unicorns.

Well, that's how Beomgyu's been feeling for the past one month and he dares say that he's probably the happiest he's been for the past 18 years he's lived.

"Beomgyu, you've been dazing the fuck out of your soul for the past half hour." I.N nudges the latter's side, causing Beomgyu to snap out of his trance.

"Can't help it, I can't wait to go home-"
"By home, you mean Taehyun's apartment?" Sungchan says, cutting off the brunette.
Beomgyu rolls his eyes.

"Home's wherever Taehyun is. And Taehyun's such a clingy baby, it's impossible to stay away from him."
"Gosh, y'all are like what? A month old and y'all are disgusting." I.N says.

"Not as disgusting as you and Hyunjin." Beomgyu snaps back.

"Aside from that, how does it feel to finally be gay?" Sungchan asks.
"I'm not gay you dumbass, only for Taehyun I am."
"Gosh, can you just say you're bisexual??" I.N remarks.
Beomgyu shakes his head.

"I'm straight as a piece of paper and only gay for my sunshine, Kang Taehyun-"
"Papers can be folded-"
"Shut it."

"Anyways, I've been wanting to know how you two have been? You never give us the deets." Sungchan mentions and I.N hums in agreement.

"All I can say is we're good and Taehyun's the best, the cutest boy that I'll never get tired of doting on."
"Gosh, he's whipped." I.N says and Beomgyu lightly smacks him on the shoulder, earning a chuckle from his friend.

There really isn't much to say about Beomgyu and his boyfriend. Gosh, even calling him as his boyfriend still sounds unbelievable. Beomgyu would always go over to Taehyun's after school. He'd also volunteer at the pet shelter, which unbelievably is one of his best character development from his stubborn self.

He'd go over to Taehyun's during the weekend too but usually at night since he just learned that the younger has physiotherapy every morning on the weekends to strengthen his legs.
Don't worry about it.

Beomgyu's always there to take care of Taehyun especially when he gets sudden fevers.
Taehyun made him a better person each day and he's utterly grateful for that.

He would also bring Taehyun along whenever he does graffiti, because seeing Taehyun pick up the same interest as him always does something to his heart. And thankfully, thanks to Taehyun quick senses and smart ass, they've never been caught by the police because they'd run before they'd even got the chance to encounter any of them; not even Jinyoung-hyung.

Not everyone knows about their relationship. They decided to keep it low key and it was a mutual decision. People still assumed Beomgyu's straight and people still assume Taehyun won't ever fall for anyone. The only ones who know are Beomgyu's two best friends, his siblings, Hyewon, Yeonjun and Kai.

Beomgyu hasn't told his parents because Soobin was the one who asked him not to. He isn't sure why, but he leaves it without further questioning. It's not like he planned to tell them sooner or later either.

It's kind of a challenge to them when they're at school. While Taehyun's quite clingy when they're in his apartment, Beomgyu's quite clingy at school since they rarely bump into each other nor do they talk which makes him miss the younger's presence more.

Taehyun calls him whiny for that when Beomgyu just can't help it.
The brunette would sometimes startled the fuck out of Taehyun during recess by pulling him randomly from the hallways into empty classrooms or to the rooftop where no one would find them just to pamper him with kisses because he kisses his baby.

While it might seem sweet to Beomgyu, Taehyun would get a heart attack thinking someone's attempting to abduct him.
"Y'know, I'm thinking of part timing." Beomgyu says, catching both of his friends attention.
"Well, that was out of the blue." Sungchan says.

"What's the reason, though?" I.N asks.
"The other day when I went shopping with Taehyun, he's been eyeing these pair of shoes, I even pursued him to try it on but he didn't buy it. He been pouting about it all the way back home." Beomgyu says.
"That's cute." I.N says.

"If you want to work part time, you can work at the cafe where I'm working. They're always welcoming students to part time and the salary is more than okay." I.N continues.

"Hey, didn't you volunteer at the nursery back then? I saw an ad saying there in need of part timers. I mean, it's just taking care of the kids." Sungchan says.
Beomgyu raises his eyebrows.

"Now that you mentioned it, my supervisor the other day talked to me about it." Beomgyu says.
"Maybe you should ask your dad about it. Your dad's a surgeon there after all."

Beomgyu hums in agreement, immediate standing up from his seat to swing his bag over his shoulder.

"Guess I'll pay my dad a visit."

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