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The second Taehyun hears the school bell chime, he doesn't hesitate to dash out off class, leaving a few of his friends speechless by his sudden peculiar actions.

"What's up with Mr 'Sweetheart'?" Junho asks, pointing towards the door Taehyun went out.
Kai and Jisung exchanged baffled expressions with Kai shrugging his shoulders after.
"Nature calls, I guess?" Kai questions.

Taehyun runs up the stairs, ignoring the charters and stares he was receiving and makes his way to the rooftop in which he pushes the metal door open, revealing a familiar brunette on the other side.

Beomgyu turns around upon hearing the door open and smiles when he sees the younger
approach him while he catches his breath.

"Someone seems excited to see me?" Beomgyu smirks as he eyes the latter's state.
Taehyun rolls his eyes.

"You're not denying it."
"Shut it, dickass." Taehyun snaps, earning a chortle from the older.
"Thanks for meeting me." Beomgyu says.

"Why's it so important that you have to tell me now? Face to face at that." Taehyun asks.

Beomgyu takes a breather before walking towards the railing to lean his arms on. Taehyun follows behind and stands beside the latter and glances up at him as he watches the wind slightly push the older's bangs away, caressing his face.

He's always known that Beomgyu's a looker but in that moment, he really looked handsome.
"I can feel your gaze on me." Beomgyu comments, causing heat to rush up to Taehyun's cheeks.

Beomgyu turns to look at Taehyun and he chuckles. He reaches out and runs his fingers through the younger's soft and lustrous hair.
"Red looks good on you." Beomgyu smirks.

"S-Shut up. Get straight to the point would you?" Taehyun stutters, flustered.
Beomgyu smiles.
"There's no easy way of saying this." Beomgyu speaks.

"I would tell you to take your time but recess is almost over." Taehyun says.
Beomgyu takes a deep breath in and out. He then turns to face the younger and searches for his eyes.

"I'm your soulmate." Beomgyu says. "And I know you won't believe me but- "
"I know you're my soulmate, hyung." Taehyun cuts him off and Beomgyu's eyes widen at
the statement.

"W-What? P-Pardon???!!" Beomgyu stutters, taken aback by his words.

"Have you known all this while? That I was your soulmate?" Taehyun asks.
"W-Well yeah, about a month-"

"Then why didn't you tell me?? Why must I hear it from Yeonjun-hyung and not you?"
"Yeonjun-hyung?? I never told him that you were my soulmate??"

"So you really wanted to hide it and not tell me?" Taehyun asks, voice sounding hurt.
Beomgyu feels his heart drop when he senses the pain in Taehyun's voice. He opens his mouth to form words, however he finds himself stuck.

Taehyun searches for the older's eyes who eventually hangs his head low and he interprets the silent as his cue to leave.
Beomgyu reaches his hand out and grabs Taehyun by his wrist, restraining him from walking away and spins him around to face him again.

"I wanted to tell you. I really did, I was just confused and I needed to make sure that-"
"Did you kiss my arm?" Taehyun asks.
Beomgyu's lips quiver before nodding.

"You had three. I kissed two of them off. I needed to know if it's true you were mine. I'm
'So I had three?'

Taehyun musters up a smile and gently pulls his arm away to properly face Beomgyu in
which the brunette feels a sense of relief.
"I don't want this to ruin what we have. We're on good terms now and..."

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now