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Taehyun flips through his notebook as he gathers his classmates to the centre to give out their tasks.

It's true that Jisung's the leader but he sought help from Taehyun because he couldn't really organise the whole event, so eventually, Taehyun gave the role of the treasurer to Kai and he assisted Jisung and Ningning with whatever necessary.

"I think that's all." Taehyun says, flipping his notebook close.
Jisung nods and rises from his seat to face his classmates.

"We're doing great so far, just final touch ups and we can rest the next few days. Three more days till the festival, fighting!!" Jisung exclaims and the rest cheer along before seperating their ways.

Taehyun slumps back into his seat as he continues to scribble some notes in his notebook.
"Three more days..." Taehyun mumbles to himself.

It felt like yesterday Beomgyu told him to give him two weeks to win him over but, for the past eleven days, including today, nothing happened.

Although Taehyun's been busy helping out with the host club event, his mind always drift off to Beomgyu and there's no point in lying to himself when Taehyun knows it himself every time a senior comes to his classroom, he was secretly expecting it to be Beomgyu to take him out for lunch or just to engage in any small talk.

But nothing.
"I can see right through you, Hyun." Kai says, plopping onto the seat in front of the latter.

"Everytime you try to busy yourself, it's usually because something's bothering you." Kai continues.
Taehyun rolls his eyes. "What do you mean? I'm always keeping myself busy-"
"To the point that you're constantly forgetting your meds? Yeah no."

Taehyun sighs and leans against his chair as he locks eyes with Kai who's giving him an encouraging look. A sign asking him to open up to his best friend.
"It's Beomgyu-hyung." Taehyun reveals.
Kai's eyes shoot wide. "Okayy... what about him?"

"W-Well..." Taehyun rubs the back of his neck and Kai notices the red hue crawling on his friend's cheeks.
"OH MY GOSH DID YOU GUYS MAKE OUT??!,!,!?" Kai whispers shout and Taehyun instantly clasps his hand over the latter's mouth.

"Dumbass, that's not it!!"
"You're mad blushing???"
"I-I, gosh hear me out first!!"

Taehyun releases his hand from Kai and leans back against his chair. He takes a breather for a moment before going into details with Kai. Starting from how they magically became friends, to Beomgyu revealing that they're soulmates, to Beomgyu saying he'll win his heart in two weeks and how last week he saw Beomgyu with a girl near the lockers.

"Beomgyu-hyung's probably fooling me. He hasn't tried anything and didn't even try to call. The last time I saw him was at dinner at Choi's but we didn't strike a proper conversation and he didn't flirt as usual." Taehyun says.

"Do you think that girl's his girlfriend??" Taehyun asks for Kai's opinion.
Kai shakes his head. "That's Minju and they're classmates. As far as I know, Minju isn't interested."

"Gosh... his lost then. She's beautiful."
"But, it really does sound like Beomgyu-hyung likes you. I don't know about you, but maybe he's got something up his sleeves?"

Taehyun shakes his head in denial. "If he did, then he should've made a goddamn move on me. It's getting tiring for me to expect it's Beomgyu whenever a senior passes by our class."
Kai chortles."What? Do you like him too?"

Taehyun flushes, totally taken back by the question.
"H-Huh??? You're spouting nonsense." Taehyun says, smacking Kai on the shoulder.

"You're not denying it."
"Can you not use my words against mine??"

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now