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Beomgyu returns home after he gets off his first day of part timing at the hospital. He would've stayed longer, maybe accompany the younger knowing that he'll be hospitalised overnight but his mom had called, and asked him to be back for dinner with his siblings returning home.

He even left without his dad, all he wants to do right now is avoid a serious conversation that he knows well what it is;
That his dad's suspicious of his relationship with Taehyun.

Beomgyu's phone rings, jolting him out of his trance. He fishes it out from his pocket to see Soobin's name displayed on the screen.
He picks up his brother's call.
"Hyung." Beomgyu says into the call.

"Beomgyu!! Are you on your way back??" Soobin asks and Beomgyu hums.
"But you didn't ride with dad?" Soobin asks again.
Beomgyu furrows his eyebrows.

"Did dad ask you to call me??"
"He did."
"What a coward. He should've just ring me up."

"He said you're probably mad at him."
"I kinda am. And you're right, maybe I shouldn't tell dad about Taehyun being my boyfriend-"
"yOU ToLD HIM??!!!" Soobin exclaims.

"No, no, I didn't. But I think he got the hint. Taehyun's hospitalised and maybe I made it too obvious. Anyways, I'll tell you the rest at home, yeah??"
"Alright, better hurry up, Yena-noona's begging for hugs."

Beomgyu rolls his eyes.
"Just ask her to hug the goddamn teddy bear in her room."

"Beommie~ are you on your way??" Soobin's voice instantly is replaced by the shrill familiar voice of his sister.
"Nope!! I'm taking a detour, so get off the phone you hag." Beomgyu remarks.
"Wha- Why you fuckING B R A T-"

Beomgyu snickers to himself as he abruptly ends the call.
A few minutes later, Beomgyu arrives back home and tips off the driver before stepping foot out of the cab. And as usual, before Beomgyu can enter his home, the door flings open, revealing his hyper sister who immediately reaches out to hug him.

"Aaaaahh, Beommie is back!! Gosh, you're the only one who can keep me sane in this world." Yena says and Beomgyu scoffs.
"Well the feeling's not mutual. You're the only one making me insane in this world." Beomgyu teases back.

"Yahh, you son of a bitch!!" Yena pulls away and wrestles her brother around the neck, earning a groan from the brunette.
"Shit, that fucking hurts." Beomgyu smacks Yena's hand a couple of times before Yena releases him, rubbing her arm that's growing red from Beomgyu's slaps.
"Deserve!!" Beomgyu sticks his tongue out in an annoying matter.

"Yah!! Gosh, can y'all just make peace and act like your age, especially Yena-noona." Soobin says while approaching his siblings.
"Kids!! Freshen up while we wait for your dad!!" Their mom shouts from the kitchen and the siblings chuckle before the three of them go up the stairs to their respective rooms.


Oh hell...
Beomgyu just wants to run away into his bedroom, lock the door and dive into his bed to bury himself in his blankets because yo~

He can't stand this awkward and utter silence.
Beomgyu observes the dining table. Literally, no one's talking and he feels the air heavy and enclosing right into him. He doesn't dare to glance at his dad, heck, nor does he dad does to him.

The tension's so thick, he can just cut it through with a knife. And they're never like this. It feels like the air shifted. Usually, everyone's a chatter box except for Soobin who usually just listens.
The introvert he is. Can't blame him though.

Soobin leans close to Beomgyu to whisper into his ears.
"Is it me or it's terribly silent?" Soobin whispers and Beomgyu nods.
"Is it because I kinda fought with dad? Do you think mom knows??" Beomgyu whispers back and Soobin shrugs his shoulder.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now