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The day of prom.
Beomgyu steps out from the shower and glances at the clock to see it's 1pm.

Can't blame him though. It's the weekends and the day of prom, so he isn't working and decided to wake up as late as he can.

He isn't planning to go out either and just laze around until late evening for prom. He'd go out with his friends but I.N just texted him saying he's going out with Hyunjin and Sungchan...
He bets he's still in bed.

Beomgyu's attention goes off guard when he hears his phone ringing on his night stand.
He plops himself on his bed before taking his phone into his hands, and his eyes take sight of the caller ID which turns out to be Taehyun.

He immediately picks the call up, a smile forming on his lips.
"Sunshine~" Beomgyu greets.

"Morning, hyung." Taehyun says, voice sounding a bit weak and Beomgyu chuckles.
"It's 1pm already, love. Did you lost track of time too?"

"I guess so. I've been dosed on medicine, I've been sleeping the whole morning."
"As long as you get enough rest, sunshine. We have a big appearance to make this evening-"

"About that hyung... I can't go to prom." Taehyun says, voice breaking and gloomy.
Beomgyu's smile slowly drops.

To be honest, he saw this coming too but he held onto the hope that Taehyun can make it to prom.
"Hyung? I'm sorry." Taehyun calls out and apologizes when he doesn't receive a respond.
Beomgyu snaps out of his trance and shakes his head while clearing his throat.

"You don't have to be sorry, Taehyun. It's okay. Just rest well alright? I love you." Beomgyu says.
"I love you too, hyung." Taehyun replies before ending the call.

Beomgyu sighs, feeling his heart sink but before he can take a breather, his phone chimes again but this time it wasn't Taehyun calling him back nor his friends, but it was his dad and Beomgyu already knows what he's going to tell him.
Nevertheless, he picked up the call.

"Hey dad." Beomgyu greets.
"Hey there. You just woke up I assume?" His dad asks and Beomgyu chuckles.

"You know me well dad. All those months of working at the nursery, finally I have a day off from it."
"Well, you deserve it. Not everyone can handle a room full of kids for 12 hours. Mad respect for you son."
"Thanks dad."

"Anyway, I'm here to update you on Taehyun." His dad says and Beomgyu hums waiting for his dad to continue only to here a long sigh at the other line of the call.

"I'm sorry son, he can't go to prom. His condition worsened and we have to keep a close eye on him-"
"I know dad. Taehyun called me just now and it's okay. It can't be helped. His health comes first above all matters." Beomgyu says.

The call falls silent and Beomgyu checks to see if his dad hung up, instead he was still on the call.
"Dad?" Beomgyu calls out.

"You're a good guy. Taehyun's lucky to have you." His dad says, catching Beomgyu by surprise.
But he smiles. Smiling because it's a sign that his dad's finally accepting them both.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me. I'll hang up now~" Beomgyu says before hearing a hum from his dad, then ending the call.

Beomgyu lies on his bed, back crashing on the comfy mattress as he lets his arms fall on top of his eyes.
He lets out a long sigh, his thoughts jumbled up. But then he sits up, and glances at the wall clock;
7 hours until prom.

Beomgyu nods and smirks to himself.
'Time for Plan B.'


Beomgyu, I.N and Sungchan enter the doors to the hall of Blue Hour Academy, where prom is being held and the moment they stepped foot, all eyes were on them and not just because they looked dazzling in their suits-
But also because they didn't have partners.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now