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He can't believe what he's doing right now.
If you told the past Beomgyu that he ran away from school just to visit the boy he hated, he would tell you that you're bullshitting.

Yet here he is in the convenience store, shoving whatever medicine he could get his hands on and packs of microwave based meals into the basket before paying them at the counter.

He quickly dashed out of the store, mindlessly running towards the known direction. He feels his whole body working; his leg muscles running warm, fresh air entered his lungs and blood flows into his limbs.

He can feel the adrenaline course through his veins as a thin layer of sweat covers the nape of his neck.
Eventually, he reaches the apartment complex and bolts towards the elevator, wasting no time to push the button of the 11th floor.

Beomgyu slows his steps as he starts to approach the familiar door.
Familiar because the last time he came here was the night he spray painted the damn door.

How ironic that the next time Beomgyu comes here is the time he's worried to death about Taehyun being sick.
Beomgyu rings the door bell and hears the faint sound coming from the other side of the door.

However, there isn't any answer nor does he hear footsteps approaching the door.
He then rings again but after a few minutes to no avail. His last solution was to knock the door while calling the younger's name.

"Taehyun-ah?? It's Beomgyu, can you open the door?" Beomgyu asks while knocking.
Beomgyu sighs and traces his hands on the door before pushing it down to reveal the door open.

"Shit. Did this brat really left the door unlocked while he's sick?? What if someone kidnaps him??" Beomgyu asks himself.
He then steps into the apartment and takes off his shoes before welcoming himself into Taehyun's humble abode.

It's his first time entering his home and it exudes everything Beomgyu imagined; a warm minimalist and neat home. Every detailed fits Taehyun.

Beomgyu places the plastic bag on the kitchen top but suddenly hears faint coughing coming from a room and he glances over to see a room with its door left ajar.

Without thinking twice, Beomgyu heads towards the door, knowing well what he'll see on the other side and pushes the door lightly to reveal Taehyun buried and curled up in his blanket, heaving short and heavy breaths.

"H-Hyewon-noona..." Taehyun mutters as he tries to turn his body towards the direction of the door.
"T-Taehyun, hey..." Beomgyu climbs onto the bed and cradles Taehyun's head onto his lap.

Taehyun looks up for his half-lidded eyes to turn wide upon registering the person he's with.
"B-Beomgyu-hyung???" Taehyun exclaims weekly.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you at school?" Taehyun asks with a weak and hoarse voice as he tries to sit up with the help of Beomgyu supporting his back.

"Is that really the first thing you ask??" Beomgyu asks, lightly slapping the younger on the shoulder, causing Taehyun to whine.
"You should've told me that you were sick!! You got me worried." Beomgyu furrows his eyebrows.

Taehyun's eyes widen.
" worried...ab-"
"Have you eaten??" Beomgyu asks, cutting Taehyun off.

Without hesitation, Beomgyu reaches out to place the back of his hand on Taehyun's forehead, with his free hand placed on his own forehead to compare their temperatures.

"Shit. Your fever is bad, you're burning and you look pale." Beomgyu comments.
The brunette cups Taehyun's cheek, causing the black hair male to flinch from his cold touch. Taehyun looks away, his cheeks dusted pink.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now