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Beomgyu enters the usual atmosphere of the hospital, or should he say his second home? In a good way of course, minus all the tragic losses and blood.

The brunette makes his way towards the elevator to the third floor where his dad's office is. After he gets off, he walks down the usual warm yellow lit hallways, greeting the patients that pass by him on their wheelchairs with a warm smile and waving his hands to the nurses and doctors who they both equally know one another.

Even from afar, he easily spots the golden name plate on the door that had his dad's name on.

Dr. Choi - Oncologist

Beomgyu smiles as his eyes dart across the words. His dad's an oncologist, a doctor who reacts cancer and provides medical care to one diagnosed with cancer. Any type of cancer at that. He's saved thousands and Beomgyu can never get tired of boasting about his dad.

He reaches out to twist the door knob of his dad's office only to halt his actions from the muffled sounds of an ongoing conversation from the other side of the door.

"What do you think about it, Hyewon?" Beomgyu overhears his dad ask.
Beomgyu scrunches his eyebrows, immediately leaning his ears against the door to hear clearer.

"How would this surgery differ from the one he had a few years ago?" Hyewon asks.
'Surgery?? Are they planning to have Taehyun undergo another one?'

"Taehyun developed complications from the cancer. His enlarged heart has gotten worse. He himself said he's had trouble breathing sometimes. Our technology has advanced and we've revised this procedure on our past patients-"

Beomgyu feels his heart drop from hearing the complications his boyfriend suffered. It explained a lot; especially to why Taehyun's always having trouble breathing and is always short on breath.
"So? What's the passing rate? That he'll survive?" Hyewon asks, cutting Dr Choi.

"The cancer can't 100% diminish, but at least his symptoms would decline by a good 70%. He can live longer, maybe up to decades-"

"How much?" Hyewon asks bluntly.
Dr Choi sighs and nods.
"55 million won." He says.

Beomgyu's eyes widen, choking on his own saliva.
'55 m-million won??? That's the price of Hyewon-noona's one year college fee!!'
"Where the hell is she gonna get that much??" Beomgyu asks himself.

He knows well that the Kang's are splendid when it comes to saving money, but not with the maintenance of their apartment and the pet shelter altogether, their living expenses and necessities, he's sure they barely have enough for a surgery, not when Hyewon still has another year in college and she's got to save up for that too.

"We can get the procedures ready in five months if you agree." Dr Choi informs.
Hyewon, without hesitance, nods.

"Okay. Give my brother the surgery as soon as I get the 55 million won. But please, as usual, don't tell anything to Taehyun, he's very stubborn when I tamper with his medical needs." Hyewon says.
Dr Choi nods with a smile.

Beomgyu hears the screech of the chair and he instantly moves away from the door, before he could meet eye to eye with Hyewon who pulled the door open.
"Beomgyu?? What are you doing here?" Hyewon asks, looking slightly worried.
'She must be worried if I overheard.'

"I just got here, I needed to see my dad. What about you, noona?" Beomgyu asks.
"Ahh... just something related to Taehyun's physiotherapy. I'll catch you later?" Hyewon says while patting the brunette's shoulder and Beomgyu returns a nod.

Beomgyu walks past Hyewon and steps foot into his dad's office, his dad looking up to greet his son with a bright smile plastered on his face.
"Beomgyu!! What's with the visit?" His dad asks.

"Hey dad..." Beomgyu greets back, sliding into the seat across his dad's desk.
"I just needed to ask you a question." He says.
"Go ahead. It must be urgent if you had to meet me here rather than wait at home." His dad comments.
Beomgyu nods.

"It is. I heard that the nursery's looking for part timers to look out for the kids? Actually, I was thinking of volunteering."
"Ohh?? Jinjja?? What's with the sudden motivation to work part time?" His dad asks.

"I've been eyeing these pair of shoes I found online. It'll be released in Korea in two months so I'm thinking of saving up-"
"You know I can get you those stuff if you asked me, right son?"

Beomgyu can't risk telling him about Taehyun, not when he hasn't told his parents about the younger being his boyfriend. Not when Soobin, his brother himself asked him not to yet.

"Lemme feel a bit more independent. I mean, I'll be going to college next year, I don't think it's wise for me to keep on depending on you to cover my expenses." Beomgyu continues.
'Please work. Please work.'

His dad leans against his chair and shrugs his shoulders.
"Alright. I'll pass the message the the supervisor at the nursery. Can you part time during the weekends??" He asks And Beomgyu nods.

"Definitely. How much's the pay??"
"6,500 Korean won per hour-"

That's quite a lot for taking care of kids if it's just playing with them, ensuring they take their meds and tucking them to sleep.

"Then, I'll do 24 hours on the weekends. 12 hours a day." Beomgyu says with a smug look on his face.
His dad snaps his head towards Beomgyu with a shocked expression.

"Those shoes of yours must be hella expensive." His dad says and Beomgyu nods.
"Maybe it's not just the shoes."


After having dinner with his parents and freshening up for the night, Beomgyu slips into his chair at his study desk while pulling out a drawer to take out a notebook and pen.

He clicks onto the pen to shoot it's tip out and starts writing across the lines of his notebook while being consumed by his own thoughts.

Beomgyu sighs as he leans against his chair with his arms crossed across his chest.
"The nursery isn't enough..." Beomgyu says.
He needed more money.

After what felt like an hour of him just staring into the pits of nothingness of his empty and unwritten notebook, Beomgyu leans forward with an idea in mind and starts jotting out a few ideas on his notebook.

He then reads back what he has written and nods to himself in agreement, the ends of his lips twitching up into a smile before he grabs his phone from the corner of his desk and logs onto Twitter.

He then reads back what he has written and nods to himself in agreement, the ends of his lips twitching up into a smile before he grabs his phone from the corner of his desk and logs onto Twitter

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