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It's a weekly routine of Beomgyu's to have Sungchan and I.N over for a sleepover on the night before the weekends.

I.N would have his usual video calls with Hyunjin while Sungchan and Beomgyu would play video games with I.N joining in later until they pass out the next morning.

They'd have a bowl of popcorn that Sungchan will bring over and large bottles of apple juice that I.N would grab from the convenience store.

They'd down cups and cups of apply juice and find themselves feeling a bit woozy. If adults drunk over alcohol, these three goofballs get drunk over apple juice.
But tonight's different.

Instead, the brunette finds himself tossing and turning on his bed for the past two hours, unable to sleep a wink.
Was it because he's used to pulling all nighters and play games with his friends until he's out?

'Definitely not.'
And Beomgyu knows exactly why.
He turns to his side and pulls his blanket over to cover himself up to his chest as he stares into the dark nothingness of his wall. He then thinks back to the events played earlier during dinner.

He can't tear the image of Taehyun's tear stained face out of his mind, the warmth he felt when Taehyun cried in his arms still lingers on him and the half-shocking and half-expected discovery of Taehyun actually being his soulmate after Beomgyu latches his thin lips onto the younger's arm, only for his eyes to widen as the black rose slowly disappears.

The brunette instantly sits up and buries his face in his palms, letting out a sigh.
He then turns on the lamp and grabs his phone from his nightstand to log onto twitter.

He then turns on the lamp and grabs his phone from his nightstand to log onto twitter

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