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Beomgyu steps into Taehyun's hospital room and sees the younger finishing up a novel of his. Beside his bed was a so call night stand but rather than just his phone on top of it, he had stacks of books on it.

Taehyun places the book on the top of the already stacked books and glanced at Beomgyu with a smile, which, Beomgyu smiled back.

"What book did you finish?" Beomgyu asks while taking a seat on the sofa beside the bed.
"All the bright places by Jennifer Niven. It's beautifully written and the ending is sad." Taehyun says.

Beomgyu reaches his hand out and caresses the younger's cheeks. Taehyun shudders from the older's warm fingers stroking his shivering skin.

"You're looking pale." Beomgyu says, eyes soften with a hint of worry in them.
"I've been pale the past one week, hyung. But my lips still have life in them, right?" Taehyun responds with a smile while pointing to his rosy, pink lips.

And just by the younger's smile, Beomgyu's worries instantly wash away.
"The stars are bright today. Shall we go up, now?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun nods excitingly, earning a chuckle from Beomgyu as he helps Taehyun get off his bed and onto the wheelchair.

This time, Taehyun didn't have to depend on his nasal cannula like last time. All he needs is help going up as usual since his legs had lost its senses.
Beomgyu pushes the wheelchair out from Taehyun's room and down the hallways, turning down the corners until they reach the stairs to the rooftop.

There, Beomgyu helps Taehyun up by carrying him on his back and Taehyun latches his arms around Beomgyu's neck as the older carries him up the stairs.
Beomgyu pushes the door open and instant shivers upon the chilly breeze hit his skin, the fine hairs of his neck rising up.
Taehyun too, clutches tighter onto Beomgyu, snuggling further into his warmth before Beomgyu places him on the mat that he had set up just like before.

Taehyun adjusts his head to rest on the fluffy pillow while waiting for Beomgyu to lay beside him and pull the blanket over their bodies and when he does, the brunette scoops Taehyun in his arms as they both look up to the skies.
"The stars are especially exquisite today." Taehyun says while snuggling closer into Beomgyu's chest.

The brunette plays with the black locks of Taehyun's hair as the corners of his lips curve upwards, mesmerised by how Taehyun's eyes still sparkle under the night light, reflecting the stars in those dark orbs of his.
"You're very clingy today." Beomgyu mentions.

Taehyun's grip around the older's torso tightens and Beomgyu's eyes widen, shocked when he feels the centre of his clothes suddenly turn damp.
Beomgyu slightly pulls away to see tears running down Taehyun's eyes as his smaller body start to quiver in his arms.
"Hey, love... hey, it's okay..." Beomgyu reassures.

Beomgyu then tilts Taehyun's chin and connects their lips in a soft longing kiss and Taehyun responds instantly by slipping his delicate tongue to lock it with Beomgyu's, catching the older by surprise yet pushing him to the brink of insanity by Taehyun's sudden boldness.

A satisfied smirk glides across his lips as his eyes meet with Taehyun's sultry ones yet their lips continue to mould into one another.
Taehyun feels his insides electrifying just by the kiss. It's Beomgyu's effect on him. Has always been and always will.
The brunette pulls Taehyun closer and closer until every space between them is eliminated while he whispers 'I love you's in between his insatiable kisses.

The two boys pull away and Beomgyu rests his forehead against Taehyun's while nuzzling the tips of their noses together as they catch their breaths from the heated kiss.
And when his eyes lock onto Taehyun's, he smiles because the latter's no longer crying.
"Don't cry okay? It's a big day tomorrow. You'll live longer and I can't wait to cuddle you from tomorrow and onwards." Beomgyu says.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now