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It's the weekends and it's probably the earliest he's ever woken up. He'd wake up in the afternoon and rarely (unless forced to) in the morning.

Beomgyu walks down the streets with a bouquet of sunflowers in his hands as he calls a cab to head to the only destination that y'all can guess of.

He bets his ass that his family are either panicking to where the fuck he is since he's gone so early.
But he needs to go now. He needs to talk to him. He needs to know. He needs answers.
If this was the reason.

Beomgyu slides into the backseat of the cab and directs the driver to the hospital. The brunette sinks into his seat as his eyes wander outside the window, then flickering back to the bouquet of sunflowers in his hands.
He wanted to buy roses, but wouldn't that seem a bit too cruel? So, he settled with a bouquet that closely reminds him of the younger.

Sunflowers with white baby breaths in between; sunflowers that perfectly describes how bright Taehyun looks in his eyes and white baby breaths that portray how pure-
Well aside from his sharp tongue.

And beauty.
The moment Beomgyu reaches the hospital, he pays the driver and instantly gets off the cab. He steps foot into the hospital and heads straight to the room where Taehyun's admitted. Since he asked Hyewon yesterday, he managed to get his room number.

"215, 215..." Beomgyu mutters to himself as he walks pass room by room.
"Ah! There it is!!" Beomgyu exclaims to himself and walks towards Taehyun's door.

The brunette knocks a few times and waits for an answer, however the room's silent. He knocks once again but then decides to open the door to his room only to reveal the hospital bed empty and Taehyun nowhere to be seen.
"Taehyun??" Beomgyu calls out while his eyes ramble the room.

Just when Beomgyu's about to leave, he bumps into one of the nurses passing by.
"Oh!! Hello??" Beomgyu calls out, catching the attention of the nurse.

"Do you know where the patient of this room went? His name's Kang Taehyun." Beomgyu points towards the number '215' on the door.
"Ahh... he discharged an hour ago." The nurse informs.
Beomgyu scrunches his eyebrows.

"Discharged? He was admitted in the ICU yesterday, is he even okay to be discharged not even 24 hours after??"
"He requested it." The nurse says before leaving the brunette stoned.
Beomgyu sighs and glides his fingers through the locks of his hair.

Without wasting time, Beomgyu dashes out from the hospital and stops a cab before jumping in and addressing the driver to the apartment complex Taehyun lives in.
Before the taxi could properly halt its wheels, Beomgyu had already hopped off the cab, not forgetting to pay and races into the complex, towards the elevator.

He presses the button to the 11th floor and leans against the walls of the elevator, catching his breath from all the running.
When he hears the ding of the elevator and its door opens, the brunette steps out and strides towards the younger's door.
Beomgyu knocks on the door multiple times, even placing his ear against the door. He can hear shuffling and he knows well that it's Taehyun behind the door.

"Taehyunnie, open up." Beomgyu says, knocking the door.
But to no avail.
Beomgyu knocks again and again, even budging on the door knob.
"Taehyun, I need to talk to you. Please open up."

The brunette then hears shuffling sounds getting louder and louder and he knocks again and again.
"Taehyun, let me in!!"
"I...I can't." Taehyun tells him from the other side.

Beomgyu's face turns churlish, his grip around the door knob tightening by the second.
"What do you mean??" Beomgyu asks.

"Hyung, just leave-"
"Why are you pushing me away?? Please, Taehyun, I need to talk to you-"
"And I don't want to talk!!"

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now