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The next day, Beomgyu returns from his second day of volunteering at the pet shelter and decides to meet up with his friends at the nearest diner.

Since yesterday he over stayed, Taehyun let him off early and signed his checklist. Tomorrow's his last day and he couldn't wait to get this community service shit over with.

"Did you tell him? That you're his soulmate?" I.N asks, taking a sip of his milkshake after.

Beomgyu rolls his eyes. "I told you I won't."
"You guys suddenly seem close." Sungchan butts in.

The brunette raises an eyebrow. "What makes you say that??"

Sungchan and I.N eye Beomgyu's side, causing the brunette to look beside him where Taehyun's container is. He meant to give it back but forgot about it.

Beomgyu sighs upon realisation why. The container had Taehyun's name on it.
"I was volunteering." The brunette spits in annoyance.
"Maybe more than that." Sungchan winks.

"Piss head, y'know I keep my word!!"
"Oh yeahhh, Beomgyu, you're doing graffiti tonight?" I.N asks, breaking the tension between the two.

Beomgyu nods. "It's been a while and I need to clear some things from my mind."
"Wish I could come along but I promise Hyunjin to watch a movie with him later."

"You can always come anytime, Jeongin. It's not like it's a one time thing-"
Beomgyu's words were cut off from Sungchan's chuckling and the brunette tilts his head in confusion.
"What's so funny?" Beomgyu asks.

"Ahh...look what Sungchan tweeted. Sungchan, you better run before Beomgyu gets your neck~" I.N sarcastically says.
Beomgyu fishes his phone out and logs onto twitter.

Beomgyu fishes his phone out and logs onto twitter

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