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The weekend has come and Beomgyu, despite telling Taehyun-
Well, not tell, if it's to be interpreted in Taehyun language, it's 'coercion'.

Anyway, he informed Taehyun himself the other day that they're going out at 7pm, instead he finds himself at the lobby of the apartment complex at 6pm, sitting on the couch while playing with his fidgeting fingers out of anxiousness.

From time to time, Beomgyu's eyes flicker to his watch and his clothes, the same exact questions running through his head.

'Should I go up now?'
'Are my clothes okay? Will he judge my style?'
'Gosh, I think I'm wearing too much black...'
'Please tell me the perfume I'm wearing is okay!!'

Beomgyu snaps his head towards the direction of the voice and sees Taehyun and Hyewon approaching him from the main entrance.
Taehyun glances at his watch and back to the older.

"You're quite early. We've got twenty minutes before 7pm." Taehyun states.
"W-Well... I just got here." Beomgyu says.

"Oh? Is the friend that you mentioned earlier Beomgyu? So you guys finally made up?" Hyewon asks.
Beomgyu grins. "Yeah, more than that actually."

Taehyun shoots Beomgyu a glare, mouthing words along the lines of 'I'll chop your dick if you say one more word'.
Hyewon giggles.

"Guess I'll be leaving you two then. Bring him back by 11pm would you? Taehyun promised to watch movies with me-"
"Since when did I promise to watch your stinking romantic comedies??" Taehyun cuts his sister off.

"And please let me change, I've been wearing this the whole day." Taehyun says.
"Why? You look cute. You look pretty in anything." Beomgyu says teasingly, amused by how Taehyun's face instantly turns red.
But it's true.

Taehyun's wearing a pastel yellow sweater and white knee-length shorts. He pairs his outfit with yellow sneakers, the exact same shade as his top. The overall look might seem simple but it was somewhat utterly adorable in Beomgyu's eyes.

It made the younger look smaller, especially with his sweater paws.
He's seen Taehyun in regular clothes countless of times, but today it gave off a different unexplainable feeling.

It kind of made him feel all giddy and mushy inside but he's not going to press it further.
"And... that's my cue to leave. By 11pm Gyu." Hyewon reminds him while gently pushing her younger brother towards the brunette but strong enough for Taehyun to stumble forward.

But thank goodness, Beomgyu was there to catch him as his strong arms envelope around Taehyun. He signals a nod at Hyewon before she leaves towards the elevator.
Taehyun immediately pulls away from the latter's grasps and regains his footing.

"Sorry..." Taehyun mumbles and Beomgyu chuckles.
"Don't worry about it. Shall we go? Where we're going is a walking distance from here."

"You're not going to tell me where?" Taehyun asks.
"If I did, then where's the fun of it?"

Beomgyu brings Taehyun along with him as the two boys stroll on the sidewalk while breathing in the breezy cool air.
Unlike what Beomgyu mentioned, the place they're heading to is a walking distance away from his apartment but it took them approximately 25 minutes to reach there.

Taehyun noticed how anxious the older look as they continued to walk, so he tugs on the latter's sleeves and gives him an assuring smile. He doesn't mind walking the long distance anyway, it was tiring enough to just sit still in the car with his sister, he really needed to walk it off.

After a while, they both arrive at a restaurant and take their places at the centre of the restaurant since the other tables were occupied.

"Not too shabby." Taehyun comments as he flips through the menu.
"Have you been here before? It's one of my favourite restaurants." Beomgyu says.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now