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"Goshh, I'm beat!!" Beomgyu exclaims, slumping onto the floor and lets himself lean against the wall.

Taehyun washes the last of the animals' bowls and attends the latter who's out front. He glances at the wall clock and nods.

"Congrats!! You're officially done with volunteering." Taehyun claps with a smile drawn on his face.

Just when Beomgyu's about to thank him, Lunar dashes from the corner of the room and lurches towards Beomgyu, catching the older by shock but soon giggles as he pets the dog's white coat.

"Thanks, Taehyun." Beomgyu finally replies.
Lunar nuzzles her nose in the crook of the brunette's neck, sending Beomgyu a ticklish feel.

"Lunar really likes you." Taehyun mentions, a small smile plays on his lips.
Beomgyu chortles. "Of course, you're the only one who doesn't like me."

"I thought we no longer hate each other? Was I the only one who thought of it?" Taehyun asks, sulking.
"The door's always open for you to leave. See ya, Beomgyu-hyung."

"Yah!!" Beomgyu reaches out and manages to grab Taehyun by the wrist before the younger could turn to leave.
"Let's grab dinner." Beomgyu invites.

Taehyun tilts his head.
"Do you take drugs?"
"You're spouting nonsense."

Beomgyu rolls his eyes. "And you're being dramatic. C'mon, it's almost half past eight, I know a good place."
Lunar barks as she tugs on the cuffs of Taehyun's pants with pleading eyes, earning a chuckle from Taehyun.

"Can Lunar come? She's begging for a walk." Taehyun asks and Beomgyu nods.
Beomgyu waits for Taehyun to close up and after a good few minutes, Taehyun walks out of the shelter with Lunar wrapped around her leash and they start walking towards the junction.

"So, where are we going?" Taehyun asks.
"It's a surprise." Beomgyu replies.
"Are you kidnapping me??"

"I'm not even grabbing you or shoving you into a car??"
"Maybe you've been planning my murder-"
"For what reason??"

"To take Lunar away from me." Taehyun giggles and Beomgyu glances at him with wide eyes, scoffing after with how baffled he was.

"Dramatic twat, not my fault she loves me." Beomgyu remarks.
"You've been hanging out with Yeonjun-hyung too much." Beomgyu continues.
"Did Yeonjun tell you? That sometimes he stops by the shelter."
"Really?? That's so unlike him."

"But he doesn't help. He only comes to gossip." Taehyun snaps.
Beomgyu chortles. "Of cOUrSe, as expected of Yeonjun-hyung."
The two boys continue walking down the streets and soon, Taehyun realizes how far they've walked.

"Seems pretty far for a restaurant, hyung." Taehyun remarks.
Beomgyu smirks. "Who said anything about a restaurant?"

In the nick of time, they arrive at a long road with myriad of food stalls on each side. Taehyun's eyes enlarge at the sight. Aligning the long road are food stalls of a variety of cuisines and snacks and in between these stalls, at the centre of the road were tables crowded with people.

The younger feels baffled. Considering Beomgyu's from a wealthy family, he thought for a minute that the older would bring him somewhere that suited his luxury, instead he brought him somewhere that is far from fancy smanshy.
"Night stalls." Beomgyu says, turning his head to face Taehyun.

"How come I never knew about this?" Taehyun asks, his eyes still bewildered by the newly found surrounding.
Beomgyu shoots him a shocked look.

"You've never been here?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun shakes his head.
"Then you're in luck. C'mon, grab anything you want and I'll pay." Beomgyu offers.
Taehyun however, continues to stand beside him in awe, not close to listening whatever the latter had said. His eyes are still captivated by the scenery as they dart across the tents and banners of their delicious ads.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now