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There's about two months left until prom and despite being a long way to go, everyone's already fussing about what to wear and who they're going with and who they're going to ask out.

Beomgyu wasn't an exception. Even though the prom's mainly for the third year students, juniors are allowed to go if the seniors asked them out and some of those juniors, heck even some from his own year has been trying to ask Beomgyu out-
"Sorry, I already have a partner." Beomgyu says with a soft smile as he rejects yet another junior that appears in front of their classroom door.

The girl bows, instantly walking away with her head low and Beomgyu watches with a slight guilt. But that guilt is soon erased when he hears gasps behind him.

"You rejected another pretty girl???!!!" Jaehyuk exclaims.
"Woah woah wait!! Did y'all not hear what he just said?? He has a partner!!" Winter cuts in.

Sungchan chuckles and puts an arm around Beomgyu's shoulder. The taller among the two then leaned down to whisper in Beomgyu's ear.

"If only they knew you're gay." Sungchan whispers, earning a strong nudge at the side from Beomgyu.
"I'm asking Taehyun out. I'll bring him out from the hospital that day." Beomgyu whispers back.
"And create a bigger ruckus than the Hyunjin case?? Damn bruh, you're amazing."

Beomgyu chuckles and pulls himself away from his best friend's grip.
"Now, would you excuse me, home awaits." Beomgyu says, winking mischievously at the latter.

Sungchan rolls his eyes because he knows well what the brunette meant. Since no one else knows that Beomgyu and Taehyun are a couple, Beomgyu would use the word 'home' to refer as Taehyun. So if he says he's going home, he's actually on his way to meet Taehyun.

The moment school ends, Beomgyu bids goodbye to both of his best friend's before taking a cab to head to the hospital.
Before he visits Taehyun, he's got to stop by to see his dad to ask if he could borrow one of his dad's suit because damn, the suits his dad own??

Are luxurious and charming.
Beomgyu walks down the familiar hallways lit with yellow sepia lights until he reaches the door of his dad's office. But, just when he's about to knock, he hears murmurs coming from the other side of the door and he instantly recognises the two distinct voices belonging to his dad and the other one belonging to Hyewon.

"I'm lacking 30 million won. Is it possible to lower the price?? I promise I'll get another 10 million won plus or so." Hyewon asks but Dr Choi, Beomgyu's dad shakes his head.

"It's not possible because the equipments were specially bought from overseas. It's a special surgery..." He says.
"W-Would instalments work?? Please, Taehyun needs this surgery, I'll do anything I can." Hyewon pleads, voice shaky and tears threatening to spill.

Dr Choi sighs and nods.
"I'll look into it." He says.

With that, Hyewon bows before heading to the door. And the moment Beomgyu hears foot steps approaching, he takes a leap back, and when the door opens, he walks towards it casually, acting like he'd just arrive.

"Oh, Beomgyu." Hyewon calls out, mustering a smile although her eyes hold a heavy weight in them.
"Hyewon-noona, did you meet dad to ask about Taehyun?" Beomgyu asks and Hyewon nods.
"I did and I'm actually about to drop by to see him. Have you visited him already?"

"I haven't but I will of course, after I see my dad for a sec."
Hyewon nods with a smile before they both bid their goodbyes and Beomgyu enters his dad's office.
"Beomgyu!!" His dad exclaims, eyes turning into crescent as his son closes the door behind him and takes a seat in the chair across his desk.

"Hey dad, how's work?" Beomgyu asks and his dad shrugs his shoulders.
"The same old thing but there aren't any surgeries scheduled today, so it's a tad bit relaxing."

"That's good to hear. You haven't been getting adequate sleep, I'm just afraid you'd pass out."
"I've been a doctor for more than 20 years Beomgyu, you don't have to worry about an old hag like me."
Beomgyu chuckles along with his dad.

"Actually dad, prom's in two months and I'm thinking if I could borrow one of your suits? The royal blue velvet one." Beomgyu asks.

"Ohh? Y'know I'd give it to you but that suits a bit too old but, I can buy you a similar one." His dad offers and Beomgyu nods.

"That'd be great."
"Who's your partner? To prom?" His dad asks.

Beomgyu saw this coming yet he hoped he didn't have to encounter this conversation right now.
"Taehyun." Beomgyu says and he watches as his dad's expression slightly falls yet he tries to maintain his composure.
And when Beomgyu doesn't receive any reply, the air thickens by the second and he instantly has the urge to cut it with a knife.

"Dad... I know you're worried about us. My relationship with him." Beomgyu speaks up.
"I just don't want you to get hurt. I'm sure visiting Taehyun every day at the hospital just pains you. Who wouldn't when the love of your life is hospitalised and sick? With cancer at that..." His dad says, eyes filled with worry and concern.

But Beomgyu can't exactly disagree too. Of course it pains him to see Taehyun lying on the hospital bed. All he wishes is for Taehyun to heal.
"I'll be fine and we'll be fine." Beomgyu reassures.

"He's getting the surgery after all, right? You're a great surgeon, dad and Taehyun will make it through." Beomgyu continues and his dad nods.
"Thank you son and of course, anything to keep him alive. Look, I'm sorry if the other day or any other day I've been too harsh on you about him."

"It's okay. I get why you acted like that but really, dad, don't worry about it okay. Have a bit of faith in the both of us. I really like him."

His dad nods and then sighs, his shoulders starting to relax after the reassurance Beomgyu gave.
"I'm other words, is it okay if take Taehyun out to prom?" Beomgyu asks.

"Well, that depends on his condition that particular day. You know it yourself that his condition is like a switch. But if anything, you'll be the first to know."
Beomgyu smiles.

"Thanks dad, I'll be going now. I'm visiting Taehyun." Beomgyu says before walking out the door.
Beomgyu reaches the door to Taehyun's room and slides the door open.

His eyes fall onto the smaller boy in his hospital bed with his eyes closed and hand pierced with a needle attached to the IV drip.
Beomgyu smiles faintly as he approaches the bed and laces his fingers with Taehyun's, unintentionally waking the younger up.

"Beomgyu-hyung..." Taehyun mutters.
"Hey there." Beomgyu says softly.

"Have you eaten?" Taehyun asks and Beomgyu nods.
"How are you today?" Beomgyu asks.

"I got an IV drip here as you can see. Other than that, nothing happened but I'm fine."
Beomgyu rests his head on the mattress as he looks up at his boyfriend while playing with their intertwined fingers.

"Taehyun-ah, do you know what's happening in about two months time?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun hums cluelessly.
"What is it?" Taehyun asks.

"When I ask you this, you can only say yes okay?"
"Huh? Wha-"

"Taehyun-ah..." Beomgyu calls, cutting Taehyun off.
"Will you go to prom with me?"

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