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Taehyun slowly opens his eyes and props himself up using his elbows. He leans against the headboard of his bed, scrunching his nose as he feels his world spinning. He feels like vomiting his guts out yet he feels okay. It feels like his head's pounding against his skull; sharp and heavy.

And he feels cold, his breath coming out shaky as he exhales, later noticing his sweater paws and coming to a realisation that the sweater he's wearing isn't his.

"Beomgyu-hyung...?" Taehyun mumbles.
The black hair male stretches his arm to the empty and cold space beside him, unconsciously feeling sunken.

'Maybe he never came? Was I dreaming?'
He then hears distant clanking sounds coming from the kitchen and he finally makes an effort to hop out of bed, feeling a lot better than this morning.

He rubs his tired eyes as he pulls his door open to step outside, only to find no one but his sister cooking up a meal.
Hyewon feels a gloomy presence over her and turns over her shoulder to finally see her younger brother out from his room. She closes the stove and rushes to attend Taehyun.

"You're awake!!" She exclaims, gripping Taehyun by the arm to inspect his face.
"You're still very pale..." She mentions in a worried tone.
"What time is it?" Taehyun asks.

"Almost 8pm, you were out for hours. Hope you rested well."
"Sorry you had to come over. It's just a simple fever."
"Why apologize? I'm your sister. After all, we only have each other." Hyewon says in a saddened tone.

Taehyun glances over the kitchen counter to find plastics of groceries sprawled over and decides to change the topic.
"You've bought a lot of groceries, noona." Taehyun says.
Hyewon glimpse over to the kitchen counter.

"Oh, those? They're all from Beomgyu."
Taehyun's eyes widen.
'So he really came? No wonder the sweater seemed familiar.'

"He left the moment I came. Did he take care of you? Judging from his sweater you're wearing, I assumed he did." Hyewon continues.
Taehyun shrugs his shoulders. "I... don't remember. I guess my fever really took a toll on me."

Hyewon nods and caresses Taehyun's hair.
"Well, you don't have to worry for now. I'll be staying over tonight and I've cooked dinner. So, freshen up and then we'll eat." Hyewon says and Taehyun nods before entering his room back.

Taehyun closes the door behind him and reduces the air swing of his air conditioner because of how cold he feels.
As he pulls off the sweater and tosses it onto the bed, his eyes catch a glimpse of a small folded paper on his night stand.

Taehyun tilts his head in confusion, nevertheless reaching out to take the paper into his hands. He unfolds it to read it.

"Hyewon-noona just returned so I'll be leaving first. I didn't want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful and you were shivering terribly so I lent my sweater. You can return them anytime. I've placed medicine on your night stand, please take them and get well soon~"
- Beomgyu ❤️

Taehyun finds the corners of his lips twitch into a small smile and his cheeks heating up from the small heart the latter drew. He then grabs his phone to dial Beomgyu's number before placing his phone near his ear.
"Taehyun?? You're awake??"

"Beomgyu-hyung... hi, when did you leave?"
Beomgyu chuckles, causing Taehyun to flush.
"Three hours ago. Why? Did you miss me?"

"W-What?? W-Why would I??"
"Hey hey, I'm just teasing you."
Taehyun clicks his tongue, pouting his lips.

"Thank you... for taking care of me. I didn't remember much of it but Hyewon gave me the bits."
"Damn... your fever must be that bad. Don't worry about it, if you're ever sick, just call me. I'll run to you in a heart beat."

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now