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Another week passed and it's the weekends, meaning it's another week where Beomgyu goes over to Taehyun's and keeps him company.

Taehyun approaches Beomgyu who's sitting on the couch from behind and slips his arms around the older's neck, earning a surprised look from the brunette who soon looks up to smile at his boyfriend who rests his chin on Beomgyu's head.
"Is it true you're working part time??" Taehyun asks out of the blue and Beomgyu nods.

"You didn't tell me though." Taehyun pouts.
"Because I wanted to tell you when I start. I'm starting next week by the way." Beomgyu giggles and pinches the younger's cheeks.

"What about your tweet the other day? Something about opening up commissions?"
"Luckily, I've already gotten commissions from the café I.N's working at, a fundraising event a month from now on in this hospital and an upcoming college event. They all requested for digital art posters. It's a really good deal. And mom's friend once requested paintings for her house. Gladly she's still up for it." Beomgyu says.

"But, why the sudden? Why are you suddenly working?" Taehyun asks.
'Damn, he's quite the investigator.'
But Beomgyu can't tell him about his plan of buying Taehyun the shoes.

"There's an XBOX I've been eyeing and I want to buy it with my own money rather than depend on my parents." He answers.
Taehyun smiles and leans down to kiss the latter's cheeks, causing Beomgyu's heart to flutter. Taehyun might be clingy, but he rarely initiates first moves.

"I'm proud of you." Taehyun says, walking over to the couch.
Beomgyu chuckles and grabs Taehyun by the wrist, swiftly pulling him down with him onto the couch as they lay there in each other's arms.

Taehyun bats his lashes in confusion as Beomgyu envelopes him in a hug that tightens every second.
Beomgyu had been working out lately, and it's scaring Taehyun just thinking how the brunette might crush his bones in a matter of weeks if he bulks up.

"I know you're clingy, hyung. But today feels kinda different." Taehyun mentions.
"Really?" Beomgyu asks.

"I just missed you. When I start working, I won't be visiting that often." Beomgyu says.
"You don't have to force yourself to always come visit me y'know." Taehyun says.

"What do you mean? The word 'force' doesn't exist when it comes to you. Home's wherever you are, sunshine."
"Gosh, your cheesiness won't go down." Taehyun scoffs.
Their peaceful lovely dovey moment is soon interrupted by Lunar barking as the samoyed dog dashes its way from Taehyun's room go where they are. Lunar jumps up and tugs on Taehyun's shirt, earning a giggle from the boy himself as he watches his dog rumble.

"Lunar's jealous." Taehyun giggles and Beomgyu does too.
Beomgyu's eyes trail to Taehyun's arm, eyeing the few black roses carved on his skin. He then reaches out to pull the younger's arm to his face as his thumb traces the black roses and the single red rose that never dims out of its glow.

"How come I don't have much roses? You literally marathon sad romance films and hurt yourself." Taehyun asks.
"When you watch too much, you become immune. Why would I feel hurt when I'm the happiest I've been in my 18 years of living??"

"That's such an exaggeration..."
"Nothing but the truth."

Taehyun giggles and takes Beomgyu's arm in his, eyeing the many black roses on his. To compare between the two, Beomgyu has way more than Taehyun, since he's been tripping, stumbling and falling a lot. He's also easily injured these days. But it's not like he's clumsy, probably 30%, but we all know where that 70% comes from.

Taehyun's eyes softened.
He feels bad. He just wants all those roses to disappear from Beomgyu's arm.
Knowing how Beomgyu harboured all the pain from the rose stings whenever Taehyun experiences pain too. While Beomgyu probably doesn't want to hurt himself or it'll sting Taehyun's arm.

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