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"It's that time of year again..." Winter sighs, catching everyone's attention in class, including the teacher.

"You're right, it is Winter. And you guys aren't exempted." Their homeroom teacher informs,

earning groans from the students in front of him.

"And that's what we'll be doing today. Discussing what you'll be doing for the school festival." He continues.

Minju raises her hand. "We're already in our final year, can't we just enjoy rather than come out with an activity??"

"Girlie's got a point. We've been doing if for two years. Give us a break in our third."
Sungchan butts in, leaning against his chair with his arms crossed over his chest.
Their homeroom teacher rolls his eyes.

"Then maybe tell your principal."
"And that's...when everyone should back down. Mess with that spawn of a devil and y'all won't be graduating." Beomgyu says.

"Speaking from experience, Gyu?" Jaehyuk asks.
"Be grateful I'm issuing a warning."
"And with that, I'm leaving you guys to discuss on the school festival. Somi and Sungchan,
take charge-"

"Out of all people, you had to pick me??!" Sungchan exclaims in disbelief, cutting their
teacher off.
I.N scoffs. "Gotta pick the laziest, right?"

Sungchan clicks his tongue and lightly slaps I.N's back, earning a chuckle from the latter.
Once their teacher leaves, Somi, who's sitting at the front row turns her back to glance at
her classmates.

"So? Suggestions for this whack of a festival?" Somi asks.
"We already did a haunted house in our first year and a cafe in our second." Daehwi comments.

"Can't we just recycle the ideas?" Beomgyu asks.
"Boring, Beomgyu." Wonjin remarks.

Beomgyu rolls his eyes when suddenly he feels a tap on his shoulders. He turns around
and I.N gestures him to scoot closer.

"What?" Beomgyu asks in a whisper.
"So? Did you tell him? Taehyun? About you being his soulmate?" I.N asks.

"N-No, I haven't. Geez, I'm in a dilemma between even asking him or not."
The latter rolls his eyes. "Isn't your gay crisis the other day enough for you to make up your

"Oh my gosh, please don't call it a gay crisis."
"You're not denying it."

"I'm straight."
"Your tone doesn't sound straight."

"Fuck off." Beomgyu lightly smacks I.N's hand, earning a giggle from his friend.
"On a serious note, will you tell him?" I.N asks.

Beomgyu remains silent as he collect his thought but eventually nods, sighing in defeat.
"I will but I'm not sure when."
"Just make sure he doesn't find out from someone else."

"No one else knows he's my soulmate but you and Sungchan-"
"And Sungchan has the biggest blabber mouth you'll ever encounter-"

"I CAN HEAR THAT DICKHEAD." Sungchan kicks I.N's chair.
"Gosh, being mean is Sungchan's love language. R.I.P your future girlfriend." I.N says.

Beomgyu chuckles at his best friends quarrel but decides pulls I.N's arm to gain his
attention back.
"You're right. I'll tell him-"


"So, any ideas?" Park Jisung, the class president asks while leaning against the teacher's desk to face his classmates.

The class erupts in giggles and serious conversations as they discuss about the upcoming
school festival.

Taehyun, however finds himself playing with his pen in between his fingers,
eyes focusing on its dynamics and completely ignores his surroundings.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now