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Five years later.

"Congratulations on your grand opening!!" Sungchan drapes his arm over Beomgyu the moment the brunette meets up with his friends and family.
"Thanks." Beomgyu says with a wide smile.

"Still can't believe you managed to snatch the lot after all those years it's left empty." Soobin comments and Beomgyu nods.
"Right?? I thought it'd be sold but dad helped book the lot by talking to the landlord."
"Beomgyu!! Over here!!"

Beomgyu turns around to see the few reporters fluttering around his paintings and he shoots back a look at his friends before walking back to the reporters for more interviews and insights on his paintings.

Today's the day Beomgyu's dream comes to life. After going through hell in university, saving up and drowning himself in canvases, paints and graffiti, he was finally able to purchase the empty lot and turn it into his very own art exhibition that held all the paintings he'd want to show the world.

And it became a huge hit, after all, Beomgyu was always known to do graffiti that everyone admired, and for him to open up his own exhibition, where anyone's free to come to adore and stare in awe, it was more than a dream come true that reached reality.

Beomgyu attended the reporters as he comments and explains the concepts behind each paintings held up on the wall. There weren't just paintings in frames but murals and sculptures all done by Beomgyu's artistic magical hands.
The brunette continues to answer questions as he walks along the reporters down the many creations of his. He had name his exhibition Athena, the name of the Greek goddess of arts. Just as how he wanted.
"It's surprising how he can handle them all." Yeonjun says and Soobin nods.

"But his eyes are still as empty as ever. I wonder how the reporters haven't noticed it yet, or his arms." Soobin replies.
Beomgyu wore black sleek pants paired with a white shirt with its sleeves rolled up to his elbow with the purpose of showing off his black roses. He'd been doing it for the past five years, like some sort of relief from the painful memories he borne.

"Beomgyu, what can you tell us about this?" One of the reporters asked as they stopped at another wall art of his.
His very first.

Beomgyu smiles softly as his eyes follow the reporters to the specific wall. He traces his hands over it, and that's when the reporters realised it; the many familiar marks of black roses carved on his arm and the ash grey rose that settled on the centre of his wrist. And it was only then, out of all the interviews that Beomgyu had given for the rest of his art, it was this specific one where his dull and empty dark orbs start to light up, eyes twinkling.

"This wall is dedicated to someone very dear to me, the love of my life. His name is Kang Taehyun, and everyone calls him 'sweetheart' but I call him my sunshine." Beomgyu says.

The reporters stared in awe, but as they observed how Beomgyu's expression falters, the ash grey rose and the many black roses on Beomgyu's arm, they started to pick up the puzzle pieces;

That their love story was tragic.

"But the universe cruelly took him away from me. I painted this as an anniversary gift to him five years ago, when we were still in high school. It was here that I told him about my dream to open up an art exhibition in this run down lot." Beomgyu continues.

Beomgyu feels tears run down his cheeks as he clears his throat, before facing the reporters again.

"Mi alma gemela; this painting's name."


The exhibition ended almost more than an hour ago and it's early night right now where Beomgyu's sweeping the floor of his exhibition.

Lovely - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now