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The car ride to the mall was awkwardly quiet. Felix opted to stare out the window at the passing cars while Jeongin scrolled through his phone.

Hyunjin was not a fan of the silence and turned on the radio to softly play some music that he started to hum along with.

Felix actually didn't mind the atmosphere after some time. It was peaceful and Hyunjin's humming was surprisingly calming to him, although the whole aura of the man was still overwhelming.

After about a 30 minute drive they finally reached the mall and searched for an empty parking spot in the sea of cars.

"Alright, go off and do your thing and I'll do mine. Meet here at 5 and I will leave you if you are late." Hyunjin stated flatly before walking off, leaving the 2 younger ones to their own devices. 'Does he have any other personality traits other than cocky and flat?' Felix thought to himself with a huff.

Felix finally took a breath of relief feeling the tension leave the environment around him, turning to Jeongin and smiling his usual bright smile, ready to just hang out with his best friend for a while and shop.

They made their way to the first store and already started to look around at the new summer releases at their favorite stores. Felix bit his lip slightly coming across a mesh shirt with some velvet pattern strategically placed to cover up parts of the chest and the belly button but leaving the rest exposed.

"Dang.. that would look amazing on you!" A stranger spoke from behind him. Felix instantly became nervous and moved away.

"Hey relax. Sorry I didn't mean to be forward but I love a bold statement piece! I also like your style." The stranger didn't take any further steps toward Felix and his voice remained excited.

"T-thanks.." Felix mumbled. He was still unsure but didn't get a bad vibe from the guy, although he really did not feel like he was in a position to be confident in his danger radar.

"The name's wooyoung. I was shopping around too. Can I have a look?" Wooyoung signaled to the top Felix was holding and Felix cautiously handed it to him.

"Y-you don't think it's too much?" Felix hesitantly asked.

"Not at all! You can dress it up to be super classy or dress it down for sultry if you know what I mean" wooyoung gave a hearty laugh and wiggled his eyebrows. Felix could feel himself relax some. He didn't feel like the suggestive comments carried any intent toward him.

"You are very forward" Felix giggled shyly, causing wooyoung to physically coo at the cute nature.

"Yeah I get that a lot.. sorry my friends tell me I have no filter." Wooyoung giggled back, passing the shirt back to Felix.

"Woo! There you are. Who is this?" Another very intimidating man came up to them causing Felix to tense again.

"This is... oh I never got your name, how rude of me!" Wooyoung palmed his forehead.

"F-Felix.." He answered hesitantly, keeping his gaze on the taller intimidating man by Wooyoung.

"Well nice to meet you Felix." Wooyoung could sense the way Felix continued to gaze at his friend distrustfully.

"Ah. This is Sannie." Wooyoung pointed to the man behind him, leaning closer to Felix and whispering "don't worry, he looks a little scary but he's a marshmallow, literally couldn't hurt a fly."

Wooyoung leaned back away from Felix and San wrapped his arms around his shoulders with his chin laid on wooyoung's shoulder.

"Sannie isn't this hot!" He held up the shirt and San smiled.

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