Pear Trees

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Day 1:

Felix woke up in the morning to the soft feeling on kisses on the back of his neck as Hyunjin pulled him closer, tightening the hold on his body. He sighed contently and turned around, immediately being pulled into his boyfriend's chest, the older stroking his hands through his hair.

Felix draped his arm around Hyunjin's waist and softly kissed his bare chest.

"Good morning Pixie.." the older mumbled with a sleepy voice.

"Good morning my love..." the younger sighed.

They lazily woke up and spent some more time laying in bed and cuddling. Felix softly trailed his fingers over Hyunjin's stomach, smiling at the goosebumps it produced.

"We are going out today." The older announced softly.

Felix picked up his head to look at his boyfriend. "We are..?" He beamed curiously.

Hyunjin nodded his head with a small smirk. "What we are doing is a secret for now, but wear long pants and rainboots." He stroked the younger's face softly over the freckles, smiling to himself as he admired the way they stood out in the morning sunlight.

Felix leaned in and kissed him lovingly, running his own hand through the now long blonde strands. "What time do we have to leave?" He asked softly.

Hyunjin pulled Felix on top of him and held him tightly. "Not yet.. I'm not done cuddling you." He grumbled.

Felix giggled and booped his nose. "I remember when I used to be scared of you." He snickered. "Turns out you are just one giant softie." He teased.

Hyunjin gasped dramatically and held Felix down while tickling him. "You take that back!"

The younger squirmed around in loud laughter and pleading until he finally got free and rolled off the bed, landing on the floor.

Hyunjin popped his head over the edge of the bed in concern, breaking out in loud laughter when he saw that Felix was a giggling mess with Najia licking all over his face.

"Nevermind, I take it back. You're just a meany!" The younger pouted in exaggeration. He stood up from the ground and picked the puppy up, giving it little kisses before turning to Hyunjin and sticking out his tongue.

"We are gonna go potty, aren't we Najia?" The younger cooed at the fluff ball as he stepped out of the bedroom door, leaving Hyunjin to whine behind him.

When he was out of view, the older pulled out his phone and dialed a number, holding it up to his ear. As soon as the call connected he heard a yawn.

"Innie..?" He asked out with a confused, yet amused, tone.

"What?" Jeongin grumbled sleepily.

"Jeez... someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Hyunjin teased with a snicker.

"You would too if you had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to catch a train home for some surprise that your brother, who notoriously has sucked at surprises by the way, planned out." Jeongin hissed with attitude. "Now what do you want? I was trying to get some beauty sleep."

"Oof, that hit me right in the heart." The older brother hissed dramatically. "It's my duty as the older brother to mess with you. It makes the meaningful times, just so much more meaningful. But regardless, you are going to actually love this surprise." He smirked lightly.

"Ugh! Whatever! Just tell me what you want you asshole." Jeongin huffed.

"I want to know what time I can pick you up for your surprise!" Hyunjin laughed lightly.

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