Turtle Doves

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"Hmmm... Pix... isn't it a little early for that?" Hyunjin chuckled with a smirk.

He could hear Felix giggling but he sounded far away. He peeled his eyes open and saw tiny blue ones looking back at him instead. "Ugh ewww! Najia!" He complained with a cringed expression, he was going to wipe his mouth off... but had a better idea.

Felux was still laughing by the doorway when Hyunjin snuck up on him and caged him against the door.

"Wait! Hyu-" the younger tried to protest as the older cupped his cheek and sloppily kissed him, making sure to wipe all the doggy spit off on Felix instead.

Despite the initial protests, once Hyunjin pulled away with a mischievous chuckle, Felix grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him back in, passionately returning the kiss.

"Hmm." The older hummed in satisfaction as he let his hand grab the younger's waist instead, leading him back to the bed.

He looked at the piece of furniture to make sure Najia was no longer on it before leaning the younger back down on it, hovering over him as they continued making out.

Felix questioned if he would ever get tired of the fireworks and the passion he felt anytime the older kissed him. If he would get tired of the way that Hyunjin would touch him with dominance but care at the same time.

Hyunjin was honestly becoming impatient in his waiting for the time when he could propose. In the small every day moments like this, he craved to ask the question. To let Felix know just how much he wants to live this life every day. To know that he will never have to spend another day living life without him. His life had been changed since the day he saw Felix at that party and he never wanted to go back.

He let out a deep sigh and peppered kisses all over the younger's face, squeezing him tightly for what the younger believed to be revenge, but it was out of a need to always have him closer. Nothing could be close enough.

Felix giggled out and hugged back as he caught his breath. "Don't you have to go to the company today?" He asked with his chin rested on the older's chest, looking up through his lashes with his big brown eyes.

Hyunjin dropped his head back on the pillow and snuck his hand under Felix's shirt, leaving feather touches on the bare skin.

"Yep. I have to be there at 11 to sign some paperwork and meet the guys I'll be working with." The older responded, still dreamily looking into the younger's eyes while caressing his back.

"What time do you think you'll be done?" Felix asked a little too sweetly, drawing circles on Hyunjin's bare chest.

"Not sure... I'm guessing around 2?" He asked suspiciously with a raised brow. "Why....? What are you up to Pix?"

"Nothing!" He defended with a mischievous smile.

"Mhmm.." Hyunjin hummed back with sarcasm, clearly not buying an inch of it.

"You're not the only one that can plan surprises, you know?" Felix sassed back, playfully poking his boyfriend in the chest.

"But I'm terrible with surprises!" Hyunjin whined.

Felix raised his brow with a smirk. "I seem to remember you liked my surprise very much last week."

"Oh?" The older mused in intrigue, raising a brow with a smirk that matched Felix's own. "Yes, I do remember that surprise.... that was a great surprise.." He complimented as he trailed his hand down to cup Felix's ass and started kissing his neck.

"Hmmm... don't start what you can't finish, Dumpling." Felix mused threateningly and pushed off of him. "If you need to be there at 11 you gotta get a move on. I'll go let Najia out." With that, Felix grabbed the puppy and left the room, smiling softly over his shoulder before closing the door.

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