Tell Me Something

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Felix opened his front door and softly closed it behind him, not wanting to wake anyone up if they were sleeping.

He pressed his back against the door and groaned out, hitting the back of his head on the door.

"OK. Tell me, do I need to beat someone up, or kill someone?" Minho raised his brow as he came around the corner from the kitchen with a spoon of ice cream hanging out of his mouth.

Felix gasped "Min you scared me!" He clutched his chest. "What do you mean?"

Minho took the spoon out of his mouth and used it as a pointer, "well.. either you had a great night and I need to beat whoever is wiggling their way into my Lixie's heart, or you had a crappy night and I need to kill whoever hurt you. Pretty simple really." Minho shrugged his shoulders.

Felix chuckled. "You don't need to do either of those things. I had a good night. Not great, not crappy." Felix pushed himself off of the wall and walked towards Minho, taking the tub of ice cream from his hands and picking up a spoon to indulge himself.

Minho squinted at him and hopped on the counter next to him, dipping his spoon in the tub for another bite. "I have a hard time believing that Lixie."

Felix looked at him unamused, but with softness in his features. He knew Minho was only trying to protect him.

"Min, it's fine. I promise. Nobody hurt me, and nobody is wiggling their way into my heart. It's in quarantine." Felix snorted.

"Hm. Ok. I'll take your word for it. Just tell Chan to watch it." Minho smirked. Felix gasped at him and shoved him playfully to the side.

Minho snatched the ice cream away from Felix who whined.

"How was your date anyway?!" Felix beamed with excitement.

Minho smiled but kept quiet, doing his best to ignore the big pleading eyes of his adorable brother. He made a gesture to zip his lips closed before smirking.

Felix snatched the ice cream back from him and hopped off the counter, taking one last bite of it before stuffing it back in the freezer and sticking his tongue out at Minho.

Minho pouted at Felix in return but chuckled playfully and shook his head.

"Goodnight Min." Felix waved with his back turned, heading up the stairs to jump in the shower to wash off the remnants of the night.

As he was removing his jewelry his phone buzzed from the counter.

Made it back to the dorms just in time
Thanks again for inviting me :)

Felix smiled at the message but he let out a deep sigh. Chan was great, he was nice, he was a gentleman, he was considerate, he was patient, he was everything that Felix knew he needed. Yet his mind kept drifting somewhere else, drifting towards someone else. Someone who was the last person Felix needed to be thinking about right now.

After one last groan to try to keep himself in check, Felix stepped into the shower and let the warm water relax him. It didn't take long for Felix to start to get sleepy, so he dragged himself out of the steamy water and completed his skincare.

As he laid down on his bed waiting for sleep to overcome him, he pulled out his phone.

It got boring after you left us
Hopefully you had a nice car ride with Chan ;)
Come over tomorrow?

Felix giggled at his phone, a warm feeling spreading over him.

Love you too Innie!
It was OK.
Ok :)
Did you guys make it home?

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