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"So... what does this mean..?" Felix asked after he came down from the actual best kiss of his life.

"I... don't know? I'm sorry Pixie, I know you don't like that. I just still am figuring my own feelings out a-" Hyunjin sighed.

"Shh. It's ok. I'm not in a rush." Felix gave him a reassuring smile. He grabbed Hyunjin's hand and just squeezed it.

"God.. you're amazing.." Hyunjin sighed softly. Felix smiled brightly. "Only for my dumpling." He teased and Hyunjin snorted, shaking his head playfully.

"Well I should head inside. Thanks again for today, and for letting me kiss you. I'll keep your boundaries" He held up 2 fingers "scouts honor".

"Were you ever even a scout?" Hyunjin raised his brow unbelieving.

"....that is not the point." Felix grumbled and Hyunjin threw his head back in laughter.

"Well thanks. Just don't go being a menace ok?" Hyunjin teased.

"Fiesty Pixie was your favorite though!" Felix argued back.

Hyunjin chuckled lowly which left Felix flustered. The older smirked at him and was going to open his mouth with a smart remark before Felix swiftly cut him off.

"Well! I should go inside! I'll probably see you tomorrow to be honest." Felix chuckled.

"Actually... I'm going out of town for a couple days..."

"Oh..." the dissapointment was obvious in Felix's tone and Hyunjin smirked lightly. "I'll see you when I get back, Pixie, and then you can go back to annoying me to your sweet heart's content." He grabbed Felix's hand and gently kissed the knuckles, making Felix break out in a blush.

"Now head inside before the urge to kidnap you gets too much!" Hyunjin ushered Felix out of the car by going to tickle him and Felix shot out. He sighed and grabbed his bags, walking over to the front door and looking back with a smile before going inside.

Hyunjin ran his hands through his hair with a huff and started the car back up, pulling out of the driveway and heading back home.


"Felix?" His mom called out from the living room.

He took a breath to compose himself before walking towards his mom to find Minho and Jisung cuddled up on the couch on the other side of the room.

"Well Hi Jisung!" Felix beamed with a smirk.

"Hey Felix!" He greeted back with a big smile puffing up his chubby cheeks more.

"You're in a good mood!" His mom called out. Felix blushed and Minho raised his brow.

"I'm gonna grab a snack. Jagi do you want one?" He looked over at Jisung who blushed at the nickname but shook his head.

"I'll take a fanta!" Ms. Lee called from the couch.

He got up from the couch and ushered for Felix to join him. When they were away from the other 2 Minho looked back quickly before turning toward Felix and leaning into him.

"OK I definitely know I need to beat someone up now. Who has you blushing like that?" Minho teased.

"No need to beat anyone up. I can handle him, trust me." Felix giggled.

Minho chuckled and shook his head. "And who is this guy? Bring him sometime so I can meet him. I need to give him a talk."

Felix rolled his eyes playfully. "When there is something to announce I will let you know." He shrugged and picked up his bags.

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