Blast From The Past

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"Felix!! You promised you would go with me!" Jeongin whined over the phone, standing in the middle of a pile of clothes from his closet.

"Innie... but I'm so tired! And I have nothing to wear.." Felix groaned from the other side of the phone.

"That's your own fault for staying up last night stalking you know who again." Jeongin stated, a clear annoyance in his tone. You could almost feel his eyes rolling at the mention.

"I-I wasn't stalking him... I was... just curious..." Felix mumbled. There was a scoff from the other side of the line.

"Oh please Lix, I love you with all of my heart, you know I do... but you literally had one conversation with the guy with last summer..." Jeongin sighed deeply. "I just don't want you getting hurt..." Jeongin's voice dropped all harshness and was replaced with genuine concern.

"Innie, I appreciate the concern... but it was not just one conversation last year... it was a 3 hour conversation, a childhood of friendship, which you know just as well as me, and the best kiss I think I have ever had." Felix flopped on his bed and sighed dreamily, his eyes sparkling with the memory of the previous summer.


It was late August, school was going to be starting soon. Felix had gone shopping with his mom. His room was still completely bare since the family had barely moved back to Korea a week prior.

While walking through the isles looking at some different paint options for his room, he felt a hand reach across and grab his shoulder. Felix yelped and quickly turned around. In front of him stood a buff guy, he looked vaguely familiar to Felix but he couldn't quiet put his finger on it. Even more confusing was the quizical look on the man's face.

"Uhm... can I help you...?" Felix tried to sound confident but he was shy with strangers.

"Felix..? Is that you...?" The man's eyes widened slighty and a smile appeared on his face.

Felix looked more closely and suddenly his eyes widened as well.

"Wait... Changbin..?" Felix stated hesitantly.

"Yeah! Wow... look at you... all grown up! Seungmin is gonna be so happy to see you again!" Changbin exclaimed.

"When did you get back? Minho didn't tell me anything.." He followed up.

"Oh, we only got back about a week ago so it's really new... hence the paint" Felix shrugged his shoulders and playfully held up the paint buckets he had picked out.

"Aah I see... Well welcome back! I guess I'll see you around?" Changbin lingered his hand slightly on Felix's arm before turning around to walk away.

"S-sure. Bye..." Felix waved awkwardly, internally scolding himseld for being so awkward when he was just about to think that he had survived without anything embarrassing.

Felix lingered on the sight of the retracting male for a couple seconds and snapped out of it when Changbin suddenly turned back.

"Hey! Actually, Seungmin invited Jeongin and Jisung for a pool party at our place. Did you want to come? It can be a little surprise for Seungmin!" Changbin beamed. Felix flushed at the invitation.

"Uhm.. s-sure... if you think he won't mind..?" Felix continued to be awkward and cringed at his own words.

Changbin looked at him with amusement and smirked slightly.

"Nah, I think he'll be happy to see you again. And it would be nice to catch up again, Felix, you look good." Changbin responded flirtatiously. Felix blushed furiously and wasn't even able to get a thank you out. He just stood there mouth slightly parted attempting to talk.

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