The Date

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Jeongin didn't let Felix mope for long, quickly ushering him up off the bed and presenting him with the outfit that was chosen. This time it was a pair of straight legged jeans and a slightly oversized thin long sleeved shirt that was a baby blue color tucked into the jeans. Felix brushed through his hair, leaving it soft like it was yesterday.

Jeongin picked out one of his colognes and went to spray it on Felix but the older immediately stepped back in protest. Felix didn't know why he did it, or maybe he knew exactly why he did it but that would mean that despite his better judgment he was admitting to feeling comfort in smelling like Hyunjin.

"Why not Lixie?" Jeongin asked, his head cocked to the side like a puppy.

"Just... uhm.. don't want to overwhelm Chan's car with a scent he may not like.." Felix lied. He couldn't even come up with a good explanation. Jeongin didn't buy it which was made obvious by his unamused expression.

Felix sighed and stepped back toward Jeongin, raising his arms slightly so Jeongin could evenly spray the scent on him.

It was a nice scent, subtle, warm, but not overly sweet. Hints of sandalwood and vanilla complimented his usual scent of his bath products, but it was not the eucalyptus that Felix was craving more and more the less he smelled it.

Jeongin's happy squeal snapped him out of his chase and grounded him back to the moment, where he smiled warmly at Jeongin and thanked him for the help.

Thankfully it didn't take much longer for a knock to be heard on the door. Felix took a deep breath and followed Jeongin down the stairs, the younger of which was way ahead and took the lead in opening the door, unable to contain his excitement.

With a wide smile Jeongin unlocked the door and opened it, revealing Chan in a casual but well-put-together outfit of straight jeans, with a button up shirt which had the top 2 buttons undone and a leather jacket over it. Jeongin gasped and giggled playfully.

"Aww Chan is that for me?!" He squealed out. Chan blushed but looked at Jeongin unamused. "Come on Innie, where is my date?" He mumbled out.

Felix giggled and stepped out from behind Jeongin who rolled his eyes playfully but stepped aside.

Chan smiled brightly at Felix and passed him a single sunflower. Chan suddenly became shy and rubbed the back of his neck. "I wanted to get you something but considering you were here I didn't think a bouquet was appropriate... but this reminded me of you."

Felix's heart melted at the gesture. 'He was such a sweet guy, a gentleman, he won't hurt us.' Felix thought to himseld.

"Be safe. Don't be out late. And no funny business Chan!" Jeongin interrupted the moment. Felix looked at him and laughed.

"OK mom." Felix rolled his eyes. Chan laughed but bowed slightly at Jeongin before holding his hand toward Felix to hold.

Felix accepted and Chan led them to his car, Jeongin still watching from the doorway wiping a fake tear from his eye making Felix scoff.

Chan opened up the passenger door and let Felix get in before closing it softly. He took a breath to calm his nerves before walking over to the driver side and sitting down.

"So where are we going?" Felix asked with a smile. Chan returned it before confidently looking forward and starting the car. "You'll see." Chan turned on the radio softly before asking Felix the usual first date questions. They ended up having a lot in common from favorite colors, to music taste, to things they did and didn't like to eat.

It seemed like time flew by and they pulled up to a spot in the city. "Uhm Chan.. not to be ungrateful or anything but... where are we?" Felix asked in an uncertain tone, looking around at the slightly run down set of buildings that they were around. Chan chuckled lightly.

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