White Christmas Dreams

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A/N: Alrighty everyone! We finally made it. Sorry for the long wait on these... As you will come to find out, I ended up drawing it out much longer than I originally expected. But, you will also see why very soon. Anyway! This multi-chapter bonus storyline will be published in 2 parts. This is part 1 and is 6 chapters. Part 2 of about 8 chapters (so far.. may be more by the end of it) will be posted later. For those who follow me, I'll post an announcement when I have a better idea of when I'll have them finished. Anyway! I hope you enjoy this fluff fest of cheesy cliché moments!


"Najia....." Felix called out as he walked around the apartment with fuzzy socks on his feet and a blanket wrapped tightly around him.

He looked around every corner and huffed in frustration. There was a slight shuffling sound behind him and he squinted his eyes suspiciously before he broke out in a coy smile.

He quickly spun around and laughed as he saw Hyunjin frozen in place, half hidden behind the couch.

"Najia.." the older whispered out, keeping as still as possible. "Stay as still as po-" he stopped when the little ball of fluff next to him betrayed their plan and ran up to Felix while wagging it's tail.

Felix cooed at the puppy while it was jumping on his leg, demanding to be picked up. He scooped her up and coddled her in his arms.

"You traitor!" Hyunjin gasped out dramatically, clutching his hand to his chest as he glared playfully at the fluffy little dog that was nuzzling into his boyfriend's arms.

Felix gasped and peppered kisses all over the dog's face as he coddled it closer. "Don't listen to him, Najia.. he's just jealous." He cooed in a baby voice and glared back at Hyunjin.

The older pouted. "Hell yeah I am! She gave us away and is stealing your affection?!" He whined playfully.

Felix let out a giggle and shuffled over to the pouty man, handing Najia over before wrapping his arms around him and kissing him sweetly.

The puppy stretched up and licked her parents' chins, clearly not happy with the stolen attention.

Hyunjin and Felix laughed lightly at the tickling sensation and doted on their furry baby, who let out a happy bark.

The older put Najia back down and watched her softly patter away to her water bowl as he wrapped his arms around Felix's waist, bringing him closer.

"So I was thinking..." He started with a dreamy expression as he looked into Felix's big brown eyes. The younger looked up at him attentively and draped his arms around Hyunjin's neck. "Since I just signed the contract to choreograph for JYP, and you are officially a registered nurse... who graduated with honors might I add..." He bragged playfully, earning a sweet giggle from his freckled boyfriend, "we should celebrate this Christmas... you know, just go all out.. get away.. do all the things we always talked about doing but always had an excuse not to do."

"Really?!" Felix beamed happily, a bright smile forming on his face. When Hyunjin nodded his head, Felix jumped up and clung to the older like a koala, peppering kisses all over his face.

"So what were you thinking?" The younger asked curiously as his feet touched the ground again.

"I'll plan everything, Pix. You just need to enjoy it and look pretty, which you always do." Hyunjin ordered and kissed Felix softly.


Hyunjin took a deep breath in to calm his nerves and exhaled slowly, raising his hand up to ring the doorbell.

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