Cornish Hens

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"Bye Dumpling! I love you!" Felix yelled out as he left through the front door to go shopping with Jeongin.

Hyunjin ran up through the door to stop him, twirl him and kiss him like a scene from a movie. Felix giggled loudly as Najia barked at the commotion.

"What was that for..?" Felix asked with a dazed expression, his heart fluttering like the first time they kissed. He loved this side of Hyunjin. The one that would do the kinds of things you only see in movies.

"Because I love you too, Pixie. I'm not letting you leave here without saying it." Hyunjin urged before kissing him again, softer this time.

"Hm." The younger hummed lovingly. "I always know you do.. I don't mind you doing that again though.." He mused.

Hyunjin chuckled lowly and ran his hand through Felix's hair. "Duly noted... Have fun, Pix." His hand trailed down Felix's arm.

With a last lingering look, Felix turned and left through the door.

Hyunjin looked at Najia next to him with a smile. "You ready to go shopping, baby?" He walked over to the door to put on her harness and the leash before grabbing his wallet and keys and walking out the door, locking it behind him.

It took about an hour for Hyunjin to guide through the isles with Najia's insistent need to smell everything. Eventually, though, he lugged the 2 big bags home, set them down on the counter, and took out the big sheet pan.

In a bowl he prepared some stuffing while looking up how to prepare Cornish Hens in the oven. It was new territory, but he was prepared to learn. A proud smile of accomplishment grew on his face as he closed the oven and cleaned off his hands.

As soon as he turned toward the kitchen, it dropped with the state the kitchen was now in. There were vegetable discards, pots, pans, plates, and sides everywhere.

He took a deep sigh before starting the process of making the kitchen liveable again.

The oven timer beeped as soon as he placed the last plate in the drying rack. The mouth watering scent of provincial spices and chicken filled the kitchen as he opened the over door, seeing the perfectly browned stuffed Cornish Hen ready to be taken out and devoured.

Everything had been planned out perfectly. Jeongin said that he would have Felix back home at 7 for dinner.. it was now 6:55. He decked the table with the plates, cups, and food, setting a eucalyptus candle in the center and lighting it. Felix loved that candle, told him that it smelled like the love of his life.

Thankfully, the food didn't have to wait long as 5 minutes later, the front door unlocked to reveal Felix with a couple of bags in hand. He placed them down by the door and furrowed his brow.

"Dumpling..?" Felix called out in suspicion. He had been suspicious. Hyunjin has always treated him like a prince, but lately has been different. There was something about him lately that had been straight out of a movie, and he had a deep rooted hope that one of his dreams was going to come true... maybe tonight...

Hyunjin stuck his head around the corner as Najia sprinted toward the door and jumped up Felix's leg in greeting. The younger cooed at the puppy and picked her up. "Hi baby!" He let out a giggle as the fluffy pup licked his face.

"Welcome back, Angel." The older greeted before kissing Felix sweetly and then Najia on the head. His little family. He really was happy. He couldn't imagine ever being in this position with anybody other than Felix.

"What's all this..?" The younger asked with his big eyes widened and a soft smile as he looked between Hyunjin and the table that hosted the Cornish Hen in a baking dish with the stuffing in them, some freshly steamed green beans, potato gratin, and gravy.

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