Chance Run In (BONUS)

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"Wooowww is that how it's gonna be Pixie?" Hyunjin playfully called after the younger as he walked down the isle of the store with a seductive sway in his hips.

"Hm." Felix pouted, crossing his arms over his chest like a 5 year old as he turned around to face his boyfriend.

"Aw come on Pix, don't give me that look..." Hyunjin sighed and pleaded. He was absolutely weak to Felix's pout and he knew it.

Felix increased the pout and slouched his shoulders. Hyunjin cooed and chuckled endearingly, walking over to his boyfriend and wrapping his arms around him.

Felix huffed into his shoulder and didn't return the hug, choosing to just stand there motionless.

"Pixie.. don't make me force you to cheer up in the middle of this store. We both know that would cause a scene.." Hyunjin threatened with a mischievous smile.

Felix raised his chin and puffed his chest in rebellion, huffing again in disapproval. Hyunjin smirked at him and held him in place with one arm while the other started to tickle his side.

Felix squealed and attempted to get out of the grasp, but it was no use. He knew Hyunjin was stronger than him.

"Aaahh! Okay okay!" He giggled, going limp in Hyunjin's hold. The older smirked in victory and lifted Felix back up to stand on his feet. The younger laughed and wrapped his arms around Hyunjin to kiss him.

"Am I forgiven?" Hyunjin gave his best puppy dog eyes and dorkiest smile he could.

Felix giggled at the sight and nodded his head while biting his lip. Hyunjin kissed him again before interlocking their fingers and leading Felix back to the abandoned shopping cart at the other end of the isle. He picked up the discarded blanket that was on the rack and Felix looked at him with a bright smile.

"I thought you said it was unnecessary with the million other blankets I have?" Felix grumbled with his eyebrow raised.

Hyunjin scoffed and went to pick up the blanket back out of the cart to put it back on the shelf. "If you are going to be a brat-"

Felix cut Hyunjin off by stopping his arm and pushing it back down. "No! I'm sorry Jinnie! Thank you!" Felix smiled and pecked Hyunjin, giving him a big hug and rubbing his face against his chest.

"You smell nice" Felix mumbled into his chest. Hyunjin chuckled. "Don't try to butter me up now Pixie."

"I'm not! You know I love your smell." Felix gave him innocent eyes and looked up at him through his lashes.

"Fuck.. you look so tempting like that." Hyunjin whispered at him making Felix smirk and release his grip to grab the blanket from the cart and hold it against his chest.

"Dumplings get rewards" Felix stuck out his tongue and giggled walking backwards. In typical Felix fashion, he didn't watch where he was going and bumped into someone.

Felix snapped his head back after he caught his balance. "Oh I'm sorry sir. Excuse me" He politely apologized.

Hyunjin looked at him unamused. Smiling and shaking his head in disappointment. He held out his hand to usher Felix back to the cart when the man Felix bumped into turned around.

Felix immediately scrunched to make himself smaller and backed away towards Hyunjin. He furrowed his brow and Hyunjin silently growled.

"Felix?" Chan cocked his head to the side questioningly and then looked up where his eyes landed on Hyunjin.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Of course." He spat out with sarcasm.

Felix made it back to Hyunjin and grabbed his hand to pull him away from Chan, really not wanting any trouble or drama.

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