Welcome Home

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"Come on Hyunjin you have to get up. We gotta go in 15 minutes." Henry came into the makeshift room and tapped him on the foot. Hyunjin grumbled in the bed and covered his face with his pillow in protest.

"All right then. Guess you don't want to go back home and stay here for another week." Henry teased as he disappeared behind the curtain again.

Hyunjin opened his eyes and slammed the pillow down on his lap with a groan, yawning before widening his eyes. "Shit!" He grabbed his phone in a panic and opened it. His alarm should have gone off an hour ago.

He jumped up and threw a shirt and jeans out of his bag, changing, and stuffing his pjs into it half-hazardly before zipping it up, and going over to the bathroom. He looked around with a furrowed brow, not able to locate his toiletries. He searched his memories to figure out if he may have just forgotten he packed it already but dismissed the thought, distinctly remembering he left everything out because he was hoping to get a shower in before heading back home.

He stepped out of the bathroom and crossed the hall to Yeji's room, who was sitting up on her bed with an innocent smile on her face.

"Would you by any chance have happened to see where my stuff in the bathroom disappeared to?" He asked with a raised brow.

Yeji shrugged her shoulders but dropped her head to hide a smile.

"Yej..." He stalked over to her in the room.

She covered her mouth and giggled, squirming away slightly to try to escape. Before she could get far Hyunjin pounced over to her and started to tickle her.

"Where is it Yej?" He asked during the tickle fit. Yeji was flailing around trying to get away and laughing.

He stopped tickling her and looked at her with intent eyes.

"I'm not telling you. You stay here!" She pouted.

Hyunjin frowned. "Yeji, I have to go home."

"No you don't!" She defended, sitting up with a smile. "You can stay here a week longer! Mom and dad won't mind!"

"I can't Yeji. I have things to do at home."
Hyunjin stated sympathetically, not wanting to see the excitement disappeared from her face.

"But it's been so fun having you here and I'm just getting to know you. What if you don't come back? What if you decide you really don't want to see dad again..?" She looked down at her lap.

"As if I could ever even attempt to stay away from you. You won't let me forget about you." Hyunjin complained playfully with a laugh.

Yeji scoffed playfully and threw a squishmallow at him. "Someone needs to pop your ego balloon. I'll tattle on you to Innie." She threatened.

Hyunjin threw his head back in laughter. "I'm not scared of Innie, go ahead. He's tried and failed." He dared.

"Maybe not Innie, but I'll tell him to have Felix pop it." She teased. Hyunjin glared at her.

"I'm gonna kill Innie when I get back for bringing him up." He grumbled. Yeji laughed and shook her head.

"Oh shut up, he didn't have to say a thing. I suspected it as soon as his name left your mouth. If you are trying to hide it you may want to work on putting the love eyes away." She mocked him sticking her tongue out at him.

Hyunjin gasped and lunged to tickle her again in retribution.

"OK, OK! I'm sorry!" She laughed while squirming. Hyunjin chuckled and stepped away.

"But seriously, where is my stuff Yeji. I need to go any minute now." He gave her a pleading expression. She huffed in defeat and pointed to the pile of stuffed animals in the corner of her room.

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