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The 2 were driving towards the mall in silence, Felix staring out the window, he wasn't sure what he was feeling at the moment.

He knew he was relieved, but he was sad, and comfortable, but nervous. He looked over at Hyunjin and he swore his heart fluttered like it always tended to do.

Hyunjin's hair was barely tamed, he had half of it up in a small ponytail but the front pieces hung loose, framing his face beautifully. His lips glistened in the morning sunlight, sparkling on his face along with his eyes.

"You're staring, Pixie." Hyunjin stated with a small smile, not taking his attention off of the road.

Felix heard him loud and clear, but for some reason, he didn't become shy. Hyunjin's words did not threaten him, he knew the older was as bold, if not more, as Felix was being. He was not worried of being judged with Hyunjin.

"I admire beautiful things when I see them." Felix nonchalantly stated back, smirking afterwards when he heard Hyunjin's chuckle.

"Smooth Pix, I'm impressed." Hyunjin teased back. They both sat there with smiles on their faces, basking in the carefree nature of their current vibe.

"Can you hum?" Felix asked out of the blue after a couple seconds of silence.

"Hum?" Hyunjin asked, turning to look at him quickly with confusion spread on his face.

"Yeah. I like it when you hum... it's soothing. I like your voice..." Felix became shy. It felt intimate to ask Hyunjin, and he could tell the older was flustered by it as his face turned a pretty light shade of pink.

"Okay." Hyunjin simply agreed. He turned on the radio and started to hum along to the song that was playing, the smallest indication of a smile expressing the content state he is in.

Felix leaned his head back on the head rest and looked out his window, sighing and letting his body relax in the seat. For the rest of the car ride, Hyunjin hummed and Felix listened, occasionally smiling to himself.

"Pixie.. we made it." Hyunjin touched his arm gently, snapping Felix out of his dissociation and back into reality.

"Hm? Oh. Thanks." Felix shook his head a little to return fully and looked at the time.

"Yeah... we're here a little early. Did you want to grab something to eat? There's a diner nearby." Hyunjin asked while checking his phone.

"Yeah, that sounds good. My treat, like I said I really owe you one." Felix pursed his lips, but Hyunjin shook his head with a light laugh.

"Felix," He reached over and gently grabbed Felix's chin to move his head to face him. "You are not being a bother, I would have said no if it was a problem" Hyunjin chuckled "You know that I tend to be a little too honest so I wouldn't have held back. Don't overthink." He intensified his gaze to make sure Felix was hearing his words.

"OK... just, I'm paying for my own food, deal?" Felix intensified his own gaze right back to show how serious he was.

Hyunjin smiled coyly. "OK, I won't argue with you, yet"

Felix nodded and stuck out his pinky, hyunjin threw his head back in laughter and locked their pinkies, shaking them around. "You are such a baby." Hyunjin teased playfully. Felix immediately grew a smirk.

"Don't make me call you daddy again." Felix threatened, giggling at the memory of Hyunjin's reaction. Hyunjin held his hands up in defense and laughed lightly. They both got out of the car and made their way over to the diner.

As soon as they walked in, Felix tilted his head, his eyes landing on a familiar head of lavender colored hair.

"Wooyoung?" As soon as the words escaped Felix's mouth, Hyunjin's attention turned toward where Felix was looking.

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