Middle of the Night

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When Felix woke up his legs were tangled in those of Jeongin. Somehow the 2 boys had ended up playing a game of twister in their sleep and were both spread out on opposite sides of the couch, their legs intermingled. All Felix could do was groan and feel the immediate need to stretch.

He somehow managed to get himself loose from the couch and took a good minute or 2 to stretch his legs and his back which were already becoming stiff. He made his way over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, squeezing his eyes tightly a couple of times to wake himself up a bit.

As he was filling up his glass he felt a heaviness in the air and immediate felt small. He decided to shrug it off but physically flinched when he saw a shadow loom over him, causing him to almost lose grip on his glass.

"Shit Hyunjin! You scared me!" Felix whisper yelled while almost jumping out of his way.

"Relax pixie, just me." Hyunjin groaned with his sleepy morning voice, rubbing his eyes as well.

"P-pixie?" Felix stuttered out.

Hyunjin just shrugged. "Yeah, you remind me of a fairy."

Felix scoffed, looking unamused "what, is that supposed to be some kind of gay joke?"

"What?" Hyunjin was genuinely surprised, he was too wrapped up in his previous sleep to think clearly to begin with.

Felix crossed his arms over his chest defensively. "Nevermind, forget it." He rolled his eyes and walked over to the sink to wash his cup.

"I didn't mean it like that. You just look like a fairy, with the eyes, and the freckles, and the pouty lips" Hyunjin continued nonchalantly.

Felix's eyes widened and a strong blush swept across his cheeks, which he immediately tried to cool down with the back of his hand.

Hyunjin simply shook his head amused at the actions of the younger and let out a barely audible chuckle.

Hyunjin finished off his glass of water and washed his in the sink as well before wiping his hands on the towel and looking back at Felix.

"You gonna stay up...?" Hyunjin cocked his eyebrow quizically.

"O-oh..no. J-just cooling down a bit, your brother is like a space heater." Felix chuckled.

"Hmm right, is that why you're blushing?" Hyunjin grew a smirk on his face but stated the question so innocently.

Felix could feel the once dissipating heat from his cheeks return with full force. He cleared his throat and turned around to face away from Hyunjin in embarrassment.

Hyunjin simply chuckled once again, lowly this time, and pushed himself off of the counter. "Guess I'll see you in the morning Felix." He stated back in his usual cold tone before walking back up the stairs and disappearing into the dark hallway.

Felix had to let out a breath he was desperately holding. "Ugh what an ass" Felix mumbled under his breath before flopping down on the loveseat this time, leaving Jeongin to pretzel on the big couch to his heart's content.


The following morning Felix woke up to chaos in the kitchen followed by bickering. The sound of pans clanking against eachother could be heard, shocking him awake.

"Aish Hyunjin you idiot!" Jeongin screamed out.

"What?! That was you! Get out of my space and maybe I won't bump into things." He screamed back with the same intensity, right next to Jeongin's ear this time. "You want to be any louder so the neighbors don't forget to miss the sunrise?"

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