Get Some Help

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Hyunjin pulled up to the Cafe 5 minutes late, thanks to his detour to put much needed gas in the car. He parked the car and sighed deeply, honestly not ready for the conversation he was about to have.

Don't get him wrong, he knew it had to get done, and he knew trusting Wooyoung was the right thing, but the older had a habbit of being a menace and he knew he was about to get scolded for his stupid actions that he can't take back. Hyunjin knew it already and had gotten his ass handed to him by Felix already, he didn't need it from Wooyoung. He needed to fix it though, whatever that may mean.

Hyunjin bit his tongue and decided to rip off the bandaid. He turned off the car and walked towards the door of the Cafe, the air conditioning was a relief from the sweltering summer heat.

He spotted Wooyoung right away and chuckled to himself at the older boy sitting at the table, eyes drooping, head lazily resting on his palm. As soon as he saw Hyunjin his head shut up and a smile spread of his face.

"Finally! Asking me to come here just to leave me hanging, where are your manners?" Wooyoung scolded.

Hyunjin laughed lightly and bowed apologetically "sorry to keep you waiting master." Wooyoung looked at him confused and concerned.

"Yikes... I'm in for some shit, OK. Coffee first please?!" Wooyoung begged making a praying motion to which Hyunjin rolled his eyes. He nodded and walked over to the counter so that they could order their drinks.

They stood in silence while waiting for their 2 large americanos and wooyoung's breakfast that he insisted on as payment. Their order was finally completed and Hyunjin slowly led their way back to their table and sat down, avoiding eye contact and staring down at his drink.

"Oh my god Jin, spit it out! What did you do?" Wooyoung became impatient and leaned over the table to glare at Hyunjin.

"I kissed Felix." Hyunjin quickly mumbled out. Wooyoung furrowed his brows and tilted his head. "What?"

"I kissed Felix, Woo." Hyunjin said a little louder but still in a hushed voice. Wooyoung grew a sly smirk.

"Alright!" he said in a congratulatory tone, nodding his head and putting his fist up. "So, what's the problem? Is it Innie?"

Hyunjin groaned and ran his hand down his face. "This is where I fucked up. Just hear me out ok before saying anything else."

Wooyoung scrunched his face in concern and leaned back against his chair, his arms crossed over his chest. He nodded at Hyunjin to go on.

"The guy that came along to your concert the other day, he asked Felix out on a date and he said yes. I got kicked out of my shower so that he could get ready for it. He knocked on my door and looked so... ashamed?... afterwards but he smelled like my soap Woo. I got mad and lashed out at him. I liked it a little too much when he smelled like me, and I hated that he was going to smell like my soap while going out with someone that's not me." Hyunjin groaned, Wooyoung had sat up in his chair in leaned in, intrigued with what he was hearing. He had seen Hyunjin jealous before but it was always more animalistic and pride driven whereas this was a tender jealousy. He nodded at Hyunjin to go on.

"When he came back to our house I overheard him talking to Jeongin. He was upset because his so called perfect date, didn't give him fireworks. He was going to spend the night with Innie and when he came upstairs I couldn't help myself, he was so stubborn on growing feelings for Chan when he clearly didn't have any. I confronted him about it and he was just saying all these negative things about himself and saying nobody could be interested in him, and Chan was so he wanted to give him a chance. I was pissed off and jealous and I panicked and I kissed him." Hyunjin took a deep breath and dropped his head in his hands.

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