Someone that Knows Someone

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"You ok?" Chan asked Felix as he sat back down in his seat.

"Mhmm" Felix agreed, sparing a small smile at Chan. His cheeks were still pink but thankfully it had since gotten dark outside so it was hard to notice.

Chan looked over at Hyunjin who was back in his own world in his seat looking over at the fire and tapping his foot, seemingly lost in a song in his own mind.

"Well... I don't know about you guys but I don't think I'm prepared for another round of that... don't need to see Felix and Chan make out next." Changbin smirked but was quickly smacked in the arm by an angry Minho to shut him up.

Chan smiled shyly at the comment and Felix gulped.

"Yeah.. we should go inside and do some mario kart races until it's time to go!" Seungmin beamed out.

"Actually I have to get going, it was really nice to meet you guys!" Chan stated before patting his lap and standing up.

"I'll walk you out." Felix stood up as well and the 2 headed to grab Chan's stuff from the table.

"I'm sorry about that." Felix mumbled as he rubbed his neck and stretched it.

"No more apologies. He seems like an ass anyway for what he said earlier." Chan smiled reassuringly and squeezed Felix's hand before letting it go, not wanting to push his look.

"I really liked hanging out with you today Felix. Don't be a stranger ok?" Chan smiled and kissed Felix on the cheek gently before patting his thigh where the drawing was when they reached the door.

"I-I did too. I won't be" Felix return with bright red cheeks, gently touching where Chan had kissed.

Chan chuckled smoothly before turning at the doorway and walking out towards his car. Felix pressed his back against the door as soon as it closed but was snapped out of his dreamy state by 5 faces of varying expressions looking back at him.

Jeongin looked like an excited school girl, Seungmin had a barely there smile, Jisung was also beaming like Jeongin, while Minho expectedly looked pissed. Hyunjin's expression was what puzzled Felix as it was unreadable. Partly bored but there was something else in it Felix couldn't pinpoint.

"Oh shut it" Felix grumbled as he hid his face from them and took the lead up the stairs.

The remaining 5 spread themselves out on the couch. Minho and Jisung obviously took the loveseat as they were now inseparable. Seungmin, Jeongin, and Hyunjin took the seats to play the game.

"Lixie you can sit on my lap if you want." Jeongin spoke up, patting his thighs to make room for Felix.

"Thanks Innie but I'm fine standing." Felix leaned on the back of the couch and watched as Seungmin got their game ready.

"You can take my seat if you want." Hyunjin offered, shrugging his shoulders when Jeongin sent him a look.

"What you wanted me to be nice. I'm being nice!" Hyunjin whispered to Jeongin who scoffed in return.

"I wanted you to be nice not charming Hyun." Jeongin whispered back, this time making Hyunjin scoff.

"Well then give me a list of dos and dont's if you are going to be picky about it." Hyunjin retorted.

The sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted them. "Guys... I can hear you, you know." Felix brought his face in between both of them. "Innie, thank you but don't torture your brother. I'm ok, really, he doesn't have to do me any favors." Felix looked at Hyunjin and gave a tight lipped smile, which Hyunjin returned.

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