What Now?

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There he was, standing right outside Hyunjin's bedroom door, leaning back on it, cheeks flushed and eyes stinging with the threat of tears.

'What was that? Was he proving a point? Or does he actually like me?' Felix peeled himself away from the door and into the bathroom, doing his best to ignore the wild rate of his heart.

"It doesn't matter Felix. He doesn't do feelings remember. Chan knows what he wants. We deserve someone who knows what they want." Felix mumbled. It gave him enough determination to push his adrenaline aside and literally wash it down the drain, choosing to use Jeongin's citrus body wash this time.

Felix didn't want to keep Jeongin waiting so he rushed through his shower and put on the comfy PJs he was ordered to wear.

When he walked out of the bathroom, Hyunjin's door was open and there was no sign of the elder around. Felix made his way down the stairs and immediately smiled brightly at the sight.

Jeongin was sat on a foundation of pillows and blankets, his own blanket was wrapped completely around him to where only his face poked out. There were plushies on the floor and Felix coo'd when he looked at his specific spot. The little panda plushie he gave to Jeongin for safekeeping when he moved away 8 years ago sat on a folded up blanket.

Jeongin giggled cutely with his dimpled smile and signaled for Felix to get comfortable by looking at the spot with his eyes. Felix waddled over to the spot, hugged the panda tightly, and wrapped himself in the blanket just like Jeongin had done.

The 2 started their binge session, and 3 episodes in, had finished giant bowl of popcorn. Jeongin pouted when his hand hit the bottom of the glass bowl with not a single buttery heaven bite in sight. Felix giggled and brushed off his blanket to take the bowl to the kitchen for seconds while Jeongin only reached his arm out of the burrito to grab the remote so he could pause their show.

Felix was patiently waiting for the popcorn to do their thing in the microwave when the front door opened and the sound of keys clanking into a bowl was heard.


Felix cursed under his breath with the immediate nature of his heart fluttering at the sound.

"Hey" Felix flatly responded, keeping his focus on the changing numbers of the microwave.

"Can we talk?" Hyunjin came closer to Felix who scooted further away. It hit Hyunjin right in the heart but he understood why.

"Don't know what else there is to say. But you have 90 seconds." Felix avoided the older's eyes. Just smelling Hyunjin's scent was hypnotizing enough.

"I'm sorry I kissed you" He whispered, looking behind him to make sure that Jeongin was still in the living room.

"OK. That's it?" Felix looked at him now. His voice still flat and distant.

"Well.. no.. uhm.." Hyunjin rubbed his neck awkwardly and Felix scoffed.

"Usually I would be amused by you being speechless, but seriously?" Felix snapped. Hyunjin looked at him speechless. "Fine, my turn. Why did you do it?"

"Do what?" Hyunjin asked hesitantly. He knew what Felix meant, but he was scared. He didn't know why, but he was scared of what would come out of his mouth. He knew why, but was Felix ready to hear why?

Felix scoffed loudly and laughed with sarcasm. "You are such an ass. I know you are not that stupid. You know exactly what I'm talking about." Felix spat, his usual sunshine demeanor no longer present and a venom taking over his tone.

"I'm sorry, I just don't.... know how to answer that." Felix laughed even more sarcastically at that. And turned to face Hyunjin head on, looking dead into his eyes.

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