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Felix laid on his bed. He had been with Jeongin for the past couple of days since Hyunjin left. Apparently Jeongin had planned out his "Felix time" carefully, claiming that Hyunjin would be stealing him away as soon as he returned from his trip so he was getting all the "Lixie fixins" he could get.

The only reason why Felix was even home right now, was because Jeongin had another one of his summer chores to complete and Felix wanted to show his face at home to prove that he was still alive.

He had settled into his bed, cup of hot tea in hand, aimlessly scrolling through various channels on his TV for something to take his mind off Hyunjin.

Truth be told, Felix expected to somewhat enjoy Hyunjin being gone. He thought he would finally be able to get a breather from constantly feeling like he was losing 10 years of his life whenever he saw the older. He thought that he would get some mental clarity from the unholy thoughts that ran through his head when the older would look at him with those piercing eyes and touch him softly like a feather. Felix was so very mistaken in that thought. Ever since Hyunjin left, he had only missed the sensations. He missed Hyunjin, something that scared him.

And now, the older would be coming back the day after tomorrow. Felix was beyond excited but also nervous. You see, Hyunjin had apparently told Felix something that was unheard of.


Jeongin had showed up bright and early at Felix's doorstep after dropping Hyunjin off at the train station. Felix had no idea where Hyunjin went, or when he was coming back. He tried not to think too much of it, surely if it was something Felix should know, then Hyunjin would have told him... right?

Felix grumbled and slouched his way down the stairs and toward the front door, being met with Jeongin's blinding dimpled smile as soon as he opened the door.

He tried to give his best attempt at a smile back, but Jeongin, being the best friend he is, obviously was not falling for it.

"Lixie.. why the sour face? It is 10 am!" Jeongin stated, throwing his arms down in defeat.

Felix groaned and gave him an 'exactly' look. Jeongin clicked his tongue to signal Felix to stop being a drama queen. He pushed his way past Felix, chest puffed out, head held high, and gave him the side eye.

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