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"Felix!!!!!" Jeongin shouted from outside the front door. A still sleepy Minho walked down the stairs and over to the front door to open it.

"Jeez finally!" Jeongin exclaimed, pushing past Minho to get inside of the house.

"Why are you here at 8 am?" Minho groaned, grabbing Jeongin's arm and dragging him up the stairs. Minho pushed open Felix's door and shoved Jeongin inside of it. He took his fuzzy cat slipper and threw it at Felix's head.

"Lix wake up, you have a guest." Minho mumbled before roughly shutting the door closed behind him and dissapearing back to his room.

"Oof what's up with him?" Jeongin asked ask Felix groaned and fluttered his eyes open, looking at Jeongin questioningly before yawning.

"He's a little prickly when he hasn't gotten enough sleep" Felix spat with sarcasm, mimicking Jeongin's excuse for his own brother. The brother that Felix had avoided by spending time at home, which is the reason why Jeongin showed up at his house bright and early to confront him.

"Whoah why are you so prickly too?" Jeongin was surprised to see Felix this way. His face showed concern and he took a seat on the edge of Felix's bed.

"I thought you were feeling better when you left the other day... did something happen...?" Jeongin moved Felix's hair out of his face and the older sighed deeply, guilt now overtaking him.

"I was... I am.. I'm sorry Innie. I guess I didn't get good sleep either." Felix gave him his best smile he could muster up. Jeongin looked at him doubtfully.

"Lixie please talk to me... you haven't talked to me since you left my house 2 days ago. What happened? And don't say nothing, I can feel it in my bestie senses." Jeongin playfully gave jazz hands to lighten the mood slightly, hoping it would give Felix some comfort to talk.

Felix missed his best friend. Truth was, Felix had not been able to get the kiss with Hyunjin out of his head and it was eating him alive. He was trying his best to escape out of the web that he had been caught in, and normally he would talk to Jeongin until it made sense but how could he say 'Hey Innie, I haven't been around because I can't get your brother's magical lips out of my mind and I don't want to give into my hormones when I see him."? That was something Felix would refuse to discuss. But he really needed to..

"If I were to hypothetically have had the best kiss of my life with someone I can't be with, how do I move on from that?" Felix quietly spoke out, not able to hold it in any longer. Staying isolated was not really helping either.

Jeongin looked at Felix with wide eyes. "What do you mean hypothetically...?"

"Just.. hypothetically... please Innie?" Felix pleaded with big doe eyes. Jeongin's face showed hints of hurt but he took a big breath before giving in.

"Fine. Hypothetically, you have 3 choices. 1. Beat whatever is stopping you from being with this person if even possible. 2. Treat it like a romance novel and do what the rest of us mere mortals do, which is to have a good cry about your miserable fate and then manage to find happiness within reality. 3. Be miserable the rest of your life because you choose to compare everything else to a single moment that will never happen the exact same way again." Jeongin looked at Felix and sighed. "Is this why the kiss with Chan affected you so much?" Jeongin pouted at Felix.

"It's hypothetical Innie..." Felix stated in a soft voice, his eyes clearly giving him away and screaming yes with their desperation.

"Whatever." He huffed and rolled his eyes. "Hypothetically, if option number 1 is not possible, I would recommend option 2. Find happiness within the reality of your life Lixie."

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