It's You

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Felix made it to Jeongin's house and rang the doorbell, which was swiftly opened by a huffing Jeongin with half straightened hair.

Felix tried to hold back a snicker as best he good but let a small snort slip.

"Oh shut up and just come in. Go straight to my room, I'll be right behind you." Jeongin stated with an annoyed tone.

"Okay okay.. jeez hello to you too grumps." Felix raised his hands defensively before slipping past Jeongin and making his way to his room.

Felix could vaguely make out arguments in the background coming from the kitchen as he made his way up the stairs, Jeongin following closely behind after shutting the door.

Once they both made it back to Jeongin's room he closed the door and slammed his back against it letting out a long sigh.

Felix looked at him with raised brows. "Uh.. you good? What's going on?"

Jeongin groaned and started dragging himself back to the bathroom to finish his hair. "My parents are upset because my brother is trying to leave to hang out with some of his college friends."

"And that's a problem...?" Felix asked confused.

"Nah.. he just didn't come back home over Christmas stating that he would spend more time at home this summer and my parents are overreacting." Jeongin responded casually from the bathroom.

"I'm just not getting involved. But he's always in some problems with them so I'm guessing we will hear the door slam shut any minute now." Jeongin scoffed and as if on cue the sound of the front door slamming could be heard.

Felix snickered at his best friend's clear predictions as if this is a normal occurrence.

"And he's gone... let's see if he comes back at a reasonable hour this time. Don't know how the guy has managed to pass college so far." Jeongin rolled his eyes and Felix could hear it in his tone.

Jeongin put on some music to continue getting ready while Felix, being the gracious friend he is, put away Jeongin's clothing pile and took a smell tour through his friend's perfume collection.

Jeongin finally finished getting ready and came out of the bathroom.

Felix gave him a cat call as he entered back into the room.

"Thank you! Now let's go" Jeongin ushered Felix out and toward the front door.

"You're the one taking a year and a half to get ready!" Felix argued back while being gently pushed out into the hallway.

"Bye mom! We're off to Seungmin's!" Jeongin yelled out, not stopping to wait for his mom's reply who just waved them off.

The silent walk to their destination was fast disrupted by the sound of music blasting and far away chatter, with the occasional loud "whoo" breaking up the sound of chaos.

Jeongin and Felix's mouths dropped seeing the amount of people on the lawn and coming in and out of the house.

"What the... I thought this was supposed to be a smaller party..?" Felix spoke out, feeling more uneasy now with the amount of chaos spilling out of the house.

Jeongin shrugged his shoulders and they made their way in, pushing past people and trying not to gag at the stench of sweaty bodies and alcohol that filled the air.

They located Seungmin, looking just as frantic as they were, standing by the corner that had the least amount of people around.

"Min... what the fuck! Who are all these people?" Jeongin asked as soon as they were able to reach Seungmin.

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